He Killed His Own Units (10x Tech Game)

Some things get really out of control when there’s 10x bonuses active.. such as your own units!

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This video was created under Microsoft’s “Game Content Usage Rules” using assets from Age of Empires, © Microsoft Corporation.


29 thoughts on “He Killed His Own Units (10x Tech Game)”

  1. A suggestion T90: Have the game start at war but use the editor to auto ally anyone who is defeated to the person that defeats them, thus imparting the bonuses. Would be kinda cool for a very cutthroat game because if you kill the enemy you get their civ bonuses. Combo with exploding kings and it would be a mad house lol

  2. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but I'm pretty sure the explanation for what is going on with the farms is as follows: Since everyone gets the poles bonus multiplied by 10, they all get 100% of the food when the farm is built. However, since the civ bonuses only seem to be shared once at the start of the game, the maths for Folwarks is based off of dark age farms and does not get updated when you research farm upgrades. So before anyone researched horse collar, they were getting 100% of 175 food, which is 175 (obviously). However, when they got horse collar, the food on the farm went up to 250, but the game didn't recalculate the Folwark maths and therefore still only gave 175 food, leaving the remaining 75 for the farmer to collect the old fashioned way. You can see this happening at 33:29 (T90 says 275 but its really 250). The effect of course gets worse with heavy plow and crop rotation. This also explains why the Poles player was not negatively affected by the farm upgrades, as his bonus was not given by the mod, just multiplied by 10. You could test this by starting the game in post-Imperial age, in which case everyone should get the expected result from the farms.

  3. T90, I got a serious question:
    Why is everyone telling that the AoE2 community is so wholesome and nice, especially compared to other online gaming communitys?

    I really experience insultings on a daily bases when I play this game online. Somehow, I think, my problem is that I managed to get an ELO (600 – 750 / I play almost allways ranked team games) where I am very often confronted with team members, who are more skilled and even more faster then me. (Why do they share the same ELO as me?) And when they see me how not that much skilled and slow I am, they start to insult me. I am absolutely serious, this happens very often.

    On one hand, I'm an adault person, they are probably mostly not, I often just laugh at them, because it is just childish and it does not affect my playing. On the other hand it is just a waste of time for the entire team and it is just sad and pathetic because we are in the same team. Instead of that dumb behaviour, they could help and encourage their team mates.

    In addition it often happens at ranked team games on Dark Forest maps: As anyone should know it is a very common and effective strategy to wall up instandly with palisades at the choke points. Then as soon as possible wall up with stone walls. So when either I just wall up at "my" choke points, and they think it is senseless, then they start to insult me.

    Or, and this is no joke, it happened really a few times to me, and afterwards I still laugh about it, more exactly laugh on their stupidness: When they do not wall up or just a very simple palisades wall and are attacked very early, even their town is attacked, then I wanted to help and start to wall up at their choke point. I have to mention at this point that on one hand they did not invest in a good stone wall, but at the other hand also did not invest in an early army to counter any attack. And all this as a allegedly skilled player. So as I wall up at their choke point, I actually saved their town from further attacks. Now guess what: They start insulting me for exactly that. And yes, it's true, as a low skilled player, a "Noob", I cannot manage perfectly my own economy and all my villagers at the same time. And this is then a huge issue to them.

    Really, when their town is attacked and they start to lose, I laugh for their dumbness and arrogance. But stil my team start to lose because of this behaviour. And I do not demand that they have to do the same strategy. But I just wish that my team members have success, so that my team has success.

  4. Man, Seeing Friendly Fire on a large scale makes that one LEL who killed his own Cav with Mangos feel so small lol.

    Also, we halfway through December, and I am looking forward to that Fatslob Video!

  5. Even just the rampant speculation about what players might go for makes this worth it. So fun! Thanks for doing more videos about this mod, these settings are great.
    Edit: Seems like you need to make a custom mod or something that gives all the civ techs right from game start or something, or ignores ally settings for the shared civ techs.

  6. Have we seen what happens in one of these FN games with the Mayans and their resource bonus? The way it seems to work is they take the normal amount of resources but the source is depleted less, so would their bonus make the trees last infinitely or just need hundreds of trips to be cleared? Seems pretty game-breaking either way.

  7. T90 can you reach out to the AOE2 development team and tell them to officially add mods like this into game options? They need to keep the game fresh and mods provide just that instead of new civs.


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