THE SWARMLORD and HIVE TYRANTS: A Study of the Tyranid Commanders with David Attenborough | 40k Lore

In the midst of a great swarm of Tyranids, one can surely find a towering Hive Tyrant, acting as a quasi-commander to the invading xenos, and providing a synapse link for the lesser creatures to connect to the greater Hivemind. But there is a greater, and darker hive tyrant known as The Swarmlord, which has proven to be the downfall of worlds, and may very well be what leads our galaxy into ruin.

Intro: 0:00
Hive Tyrants: 0:07
Swarmlord: 4:57
Outro: 8:35

Narrator: AI


Thank you for watching, if you have any units or characters youā€™d like to request please post them in the comments.

DISCLAIMER: This video and channel are not associated, or affiliated with Games Workshop, the Warhammer IP, or David Attenborough.

#warhammer #warhammer40k #40k #lore #nature #documentary #tyranids


34 thoughts on “THE SWARMLORD and HIVE TYRANTS: A Study of the Tyranid Commanders with David Attenborough | 40k Lore”

  1. In a sentence. Tyranids would stomp zerg. Any takers?

    Also, I refuse to believe the theory that there is something chasing the tyranids and that the tyranids are running from something. A species that has wrapped around to the other side of the milky way and have dove into the warp to feed on the imaterium itself fighting demons willingly. Makes no sense that the tyranids would run from anything

  2. I just found this content Tech Priest Attenborough. (You do have a Mechanicus profile pic, lol) I love this lore approach so much. Please keep it up. Love listening to this and I think I could finally get my wife into 40k now.

  3. I love the fact that , that they could be runnig from something. What could be so horrifying to scare tyranids. This was amazing , the absolute horror of these creatures , with David Attenborough's voice and the claming music. A master peace.

  4. Besides enjoying the voice of the narrator, I felt simply hopeless for the empire of Man
    And I canā€™t help keep thinking that what if one day Tyrannid generates a Swarm Lord that is powerful enough to best primarch

  5. 53k subscribers after 1 month is just freakin INSANE!

    I've got such an awesome idea for a sort of conceptual/role playing 40k podcast but I'm wary of putting out and someone else goes with it.

    I just need a few other people who are super knowledgeable about 40k and podcasting.

    I've been a copywriter in the advertising industry for almost 20 years so I know how to market it, write scripts, develope characters and concepts, voice work, directing voice talent and a bunch of other relevant skills.

  6. Have been consuming a lot of the basic lore at majorkill and luetin, but holy emporer do i love your style of talking about the topic. Just two of your videos and i had to sub, please keep making these, they are most enjoyable!


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