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Itā€™s the final hazbin hotel episode 7 and 8 where Iā€™m out for love from a pilot or the king of hell. I wonder if I sang my songs to Lilith she would react to Alastor in a fnf sense for me? Probably notā€¦.

AzFk Still Artists (Certified Cult Classics):
Hien: https://twitter.com/HienKong
MangaNull: https://twitter.com/manganull
Christian Cline: https://www.instagram.com/christian_cline/
Lou-ellen: https://twitter.com/louceph
grapetoast: https://www.instagram.com/grapetoast/?hl=en
MayaBunny23: https://twitter.com/Bunny23Maya
Imp.Kat: https://www.instagram.com/imp.kat/
Soupik: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaiGdRE9DwU7jHzln514j6Q/videos
Franums: https://www.instagram.com/franums/
FlowerpatchToons: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL147jWjBj4QWjbhxaY0Gxw
TheDangersOut9: https://instagram.com/thedangersout9/ https://twitter.com/TheDangersOut9
Equatey: https://www.instagram.com/schrodingers_shroud/
y0cie_comishies: https://twitter.com/y0cie_comishies
Ilya Royz: https://twitter.com/Zyor_art
Awkward_mari: https://www.instagram.com/awkward_mari_/
SodaPop: https://twitter.com/fuzz_soda
Amber Phoenix: https://twitter.com/AmberPhoenix42
Shadowsoup: https://twitter.com/shadowsoupy
Pot: https://www.instagram.com/sbl.wav/
DeadRex: https://twitter.com/D3adRex
Gexorcist: https://twitter.com/ExorcistGold
DeitySkill: https://www.instagram.com/deityskill/
TYRANT: https://twitter.com/TYR_NT
Xentez: https://twitter.com/xentezzik
DonnieBoots: https://twitter.com/Retro10196649
Nepp: https://twitter.com/mewflx

Music by
Karl Casey @ Whitebat Audio

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The AzFK Disclaimer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sd-n9vgSZOcc8HZYw8yu_nY6s_qmN5PkWCzueOg3NGw/edit?usp=sharing



  1. I donā€™t know if anyone has theorized this, but what if thereā€™s an episode in season 2 where the characters go to the living realm aka earth. I donā€™t know why they would, but it would be cool. I know the Helluva Boss characters have gone to earth a lot, but not the Hazbin characters I think it would be neat.

  2. Ok im sick of everyone saying this: ALASTOR'S STAFF/MIC DOES NOT ALTER HIS VOICE
    The reason he loses his filter when its broken is cause as stared before in multiple interviews, Alastor's voice cutting through the filter means hes genuine about whatever hes saying. He lost the filter cause he was genuienly confused when Adam broke his staff.

  3. Since season 2 was already confirmed and ordered by Amazon before season 1 was even released and given the huge success of season 1 with just 8 episodes im thinking season 2 will have probably 13-16 episodes and since theyā€™ve already been working and recording season 2 since before season 1 aired im thinking we may see season 2 released either the fall of 2024 or winter of 2024 or early 2025.
    All I know is Iā€™m so pumped for season 2 and all the crazy stuff thatā€™s happening, we could even see Roo in the season 2 finale maybe thatā€™s who Alastor has a deal with, Iā€™m also curious where Eve is and how Lilith will play into season 2 and what her deal with Adam was, and who Sera answers to who sheā€™s afraid of thereā€™s definitely someone above her weather thatā€™s God or who I think would fit really well Michael heā€™s Luciferā€™s brother basically his twin and in the Bible he was jealous of lucifer so who better to have banished Lucifer then his own brother.
    These are just some of the ideas and theories my wife and I have thought about lol

  4. God why does everyone theorize that Adam would re-manifest as a demon?
    Who was killed by Nifty with a dagger made of angelic steel which kills a soul forever so that it cannot re-manifest, those weapons of angelic steel were made into spears for exorcist to use in the annual extermination, the dagger is just remolded angelic steel spear, Carmelila Carmine also had the shoes made out of angelic steel which she had killed an exorcist with(in EP 7/8 it is revealed what exactly led to exorcist's demise)

  5. Pretty sure we're getting the season premiere this week tomorrow or friday. If im not mistaken a while back they said they already had two seasons done, and part of season 3. Soooooo…it would make sense for them to just build on the interest and hype the show currently has by releasing the finished season now because most of us have short attention spans lol. Thats my belief anyway

  6. This is the one thing I wanna see in Hazbin Hotel.

    I wanna see their take on Jesus, and I wanna see it based on, and voiced by Keanu Reeves.

    Just imagine a man looking like an action hero from the 90s, with the sleeveless trenchcoat and sunglasses with religious iconography tattooed all along his body. Carrying a guitar case that could either hold an acoustic guitar, or the tools necessary to take out his opponents.

    He'd kinda have the same goals as Charlie in regards to redeeming sinners, however he'd do so on the mortal plane. He'd admire Charlie's attempts, but he'd hold some resentment for the death of his older brother, Adam.

  7. I love the fact that this is making it tie with hellava boss, where there is like, no extermination now I may be wrong, but if Iā€™m not, then it would help tie in with that, because after the end of this show, it leads into you know

    1) A theory about Alastor's shadow and his backstory and his demon deal
    2) A theory about Alastor's 7 year disappearance
    3) Theories about Alastor's motives and plans
    4) A theory why Alastor rose to power quickly
    5) A Nifty backstory theory

    Anyone got any theories about Alastor's shadow and it's involvement in his background?
    I've noticed that his shadow seems to have a mind of its own and is a separate personality from Alastor.

    I have two theories as to why this is: A) It's the demon/entity that owns his soul and/or just keeps an eye on him on behalf of his master or B) In life Alastor had DID from a traumatic upbringing and had a Jeckle and Hyde sort of personalities and the shadow is one of his Alters. Alters are separate personalities but cannot exist without the host and body kinda like how your shadow cannot exist without you.

    I think B) is the most likely if they've put actual thought into it vs it just being a little quirky.

    My theories about his history as a human:

    He was raised by his creole mother who did the majority of the raising essentially as a single mother and he and his mother were badly abused by a POS deadbeat narcissist father/husband… perhaps even sexually abused if the writers want to get that dark. It might be a reason why he's Ace (not saying ace people are only ace as a trauma response, just fyi) and why he had such a low opinion of Charlie's dad because he knew he was absent and only called his daughter if he needed something.

    Perhaps his mother was murdered by his father but he was powerless to stop him or get revenge because he was physically smaller and skinny. He turned to voodoo/hoodoo whatever and summoned a demon to make a deal selling his soul to give him power to kill his father and others like him. After taking revenge and murdering his father he became a serial killer and went after abusers and bullies but not necessarily in a vigilante sort of more moral way. He had little empathy for the victims of the abuse and did what he did to the abusers not for their victims but simply because he was fueled by hate and was addicted to the feeling of being powerful. He'd mercilessly kill victims of abuse too if they lied for the abusers and/or kept going back to them and making excuses. He's a sociopath/ Psychopath/ BPD or at least one of his Alters is and he's definitely a narcissist, even a vunerable narcissist and perhaps before his deal he was a covert narcissist without power.

    He'd often fish for future victims at the club where Mimzie preformed and he struggled with alcoholism and fighting his own personal demons (his Alters and mental illness, PTSD etc) as well as having to deal with the actual demon that owns his soul demanding more and more victims with the deal being that he won't collect Alastor's soul so long as he continued to work for him and kill. He worked as a radio station host or a related role and he struggled to keep his work life and serial killing balance.

    He died as a result of him not keeping up the demands of the demon, or by complete accident by a deer hunter as he was hiding a body or by running away from a police search party that was hunting him down in the woods after his secret gets 'outted'.

    I can't get behind the theory that Lilith is forcing him to protect Charlie… he's not exactly someone a parent would want around their child given he's a former…SERIAL KILLER.

    My theory is he only went missing for 7 years because Lilith went missing and he was desperately trying to find her…not because he cared for her but because he couldn't find a way to wiggle out of the deal through loopholes or blackmail or whatever if he can't even find her and/or communicate with her. For all he knew she was dead or being held captive by somebody who's one more powerful person in between him and his freedom.

    He only "returned" because he witnessed Lilith's daughter on TV looking extremely vulnerable, naive, pathetic and thought to himself, "Here's a young emotionally vunerable person who's potentially more powerful than either of her parents or almost their equal…I could totally manipulate and gaslight her for my own agenda."

    Perhaps he hopes to gain Charlie's trust to "guide her" (as he mentioned to Rosie and he also mentioned how powerful she likely is) and manipulate her in order to manipulate Lilith, have leverage etc. Perhaps he thinks she'd be powerful enough to break his deal if he asked…which is likely what he sorta hinted at when he made a deal with Charlie "Ask one little favor that'll hurt no one…." because it technically wouldn't immediately hurt anyone to break his deal but I suspect once he's free it will backfire tremendously and he'll need to be stopped.

    I don't think he really feels much for the inhabitants of the hotel and he wasn't risking himself to protect his "friends" because he cares… its because he's become that desperate for freedom and more power.

    His panic after the battle is not because he realizes he cares for people or because he's being forced to protect them….its because he's realizing just how desperate he is and how vulnerable he truly is having fought with and witnessed infinitely more powerful people. His vulnerable narcissism is causing him a crisis after being defeated. He's a powerful overlord and probably is used to winning but hasn't fought other more physically/ politically/ powerful demons of higher class before and he's like the embodiment of self confidence and narcissism.

    I could totally see him being power hungry enough and bloodthirsty and ruthless enough to want to rule all of Hell.

    I have no theories as to whom owns his soul if it's not Lilith, but perhaps one explanation as to why he rose quickly in power was because he amassed such a body count that his master became very powerful in he'll as a result and they're not willing to give up controlling Alastor even after his death. Or if you've killed a lot of people in life you'd be more powerful as a demon? But I don't like that idea as much because then Hitler would be a big deal in Hell or something.

    Just a thought…what if…. Nifty was Alastor's much younger and equally traumatized/damaged sister (Nikki, Nevaeh, Nadine or Naomi)? "Nifty" could simply be her nick-name. Her OCD could be a trauma response because their father would beat them if the house wasn't spotless and perhaps their mother was physically disabled, depressed or too exhausted from multiple jobs for spotless housecleaning. What if she "lost it" when her older brother (whom she was dependent on after both parents died and he's all she had left) started killing people and she obsessively cleaned away the bloody evidence in fear of her brother being caught and "taken away" or even killed (He apparently was mixed race Creole after all, during a time of frequent lynching… so he'd more likely be just killed rather than arrested and face a trial)…or worse, he made her clean up after him and perpetuated the cycle of abuse just like his father?

    And even more tragic… what if Nifty killed herself or starved to death or was killed after Alastor died?

    One thought though, would Nifty canonically be half Japanese because Kimiko Glenn (the voice actor) is? In this day in age of cancel culture would that matter, especially in regards to voice acting demon characters? Because, that would make this little theory less plausible unless Alastor's father married a Japanese woman after getting away with murder of Alastor's mother and Nifty would be a step sister. Apparently there was at least 17 Japanese people in Louisiana around the 1900s according to a quick Google search so it's not impossibly far fetched… it also would explain why Nifty is so much younger than her big brother.

    Perhaps Mimzie "baby sat" Nifty at the club from time to time while Alastor was out murdering people.

    What if he justified killing to little Nifty by saying his victims were no different than bugs in need of extermination?

    …that's dark…

    Also Nifty "likes the leash" because she's always been dependent and controlled by Alastor so she feels no different about him than she did in life.

    What if Nifty is able to restore some humanity to Alastor because he realizes how important she is to him and that he does care for at least one other person than himself?

    Ps. All my theories about the show and character is not even being informed by the show as I haven't actually watched it beyond the episodes on here that are available for free and gathering the information and plot from comp videos of clips and people filming their reactions to each episode….I don't have Amazon Prime and therefore I could certainly be missing subtleties and clues that could further inform my theories.

  9. My Season 2 Plot predictions: Lilith dumped Lucifer over his affair with Eve. Lilith made a deal with Adam in which she would voluntarily leave Hell and discontinue motivating the demons through her music in exchange for Adam keeping Charlie off the extermination agenda. With Adam dead, that deal is now over. Lute's in charge and she gives no F's for the arrangement. Lilith made a deal with Alister to watch over Charlie and help her grow. Alister as the Radio (The first medium in which music was dispersed on a grand scale) made him the perfect partner for Lilith.. Herself being heavily invested in music. This is of course why Charlie best projects herself through music and song.. It's genetic. Charlie is more powerful than Lilith, and Lucifer combined. Adam tried to use the same punch he used to take down Alisters' shield and Charlie stopped him… With her hand. Then threw him down to the ground so hard he wound up inside the middle of a crater. Alister has fallen in love with Charlie and intends to use the promise (favor) owed to him by asking her to marry him.. which will get him out from under Lilith's thumb.. and he intends for him and Charlie to rule Hell together.

  10. Guys please for the milionth (really don't know how to spell that) ANGELIC STEEL destroys the soul of a being, no adam will not remanifest his soul was destroyed, i get it he is entertaining but no he will not become a demon

  11. I disagree with the various people the comments saying that Adamā€™s laser attacks donā€™t have the same effects as exterminator weapons.
    He was angered and started taking the battle more seriously when he destroyed Alastorā€™s shield, and it would make zero sense to start using a weapon of his that doesnā€™t kill sinners permanently. Heā€™s the leader of the exorcists, he definitely knows how the process happens


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