Hawaii wildfires: first victims named as death toll rises past 100

President Biden has said he’ll visit the site of the catastrophic wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui next week.
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Just two of the 106 people known to have died there have been named today. They are Robert Dyckman who was 74, and 79-year-old Buddy Jantoc. The authorities say three others have been identified but won’t be named until their families have been told.
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29 thoughts on “Hawaii wildfires: first victims named as death toll rises past 100”

  1. MSM lied to everyone hundreds are dead the people there say so and there are way to many things to prove this fire was an attack by gov elites etc using winds etc lasers to start fires they want the land

  2. electromagnetic energy to combat enemy forces and assets. These weapons include high energy lasers and other high power electromagneticsβ€”such as millimeter wave and high power microwave weapons.25 May 2023

  3. Why are they hiding the number of deaths. Give more help, now. Offer land homes to these people, the us military have forts for this.offer cruise ships. Cynthie the negie waking Buddha. I'm a veteran.

  4. I went to the shooting range for the first time and couldn’t get my gun to fire.

    Now I have to read the trouble shooting section in the manual.



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