Have faith in God, you will escape death – David Jeremiah



3 thoughts on “Have faith in God, you will escape death – David Jeremiah”

  1. He is Such a Unbelievable Liar…

    This behavior can be part of a personality disorder such as antisocial, narcissistic, and histrionic. Other conditions, such as borderline personality disorder, may also lead to frequent lies, but these aren't considered pathological. Also, some people simply lie pathologically but have no other conditions. Repeating questions before answering them. Speaking in sentence fragments. Failing to provide specific details when a story is challenged. Grooming behaviors such as playing with hair or pressing fingers to lips. Being a pathological liar is not in itself a mental health diagnosis. It is not included in the DSM-5, which lists mental health disorders. However, it is an established concept in psychology. Pathological lying is related to disordered thinking patterns and beliefs. People who lie pathologically often tell lies about things that don't matter, for no apparent reason. They may do it unconsciously and may not even realize they're lying in the moment, although they can often tell afterward. Making sweeping statements: "I would never" or "I always." Using non-specific language, generalized phrases and sweeping statements are common tactics for liars, who are trying to avoid giving hard facts and information. Even though good liars can remember small details, they know it's best to avoid getting tangled up in too much information. Liars will also purposefully leave details out of their fabricated stories as a way to manipulate you. Remember: not telling the whole truth is still considered lying.

    Religions… One of the Greatest Cons for Theft of Individual Expression and Money that has ever been Perpetrated on the Planet. And it’s legal!

    There are more than 4,600 Religions, worldwide, with thousands of Gods. They’re all Claiming to be the one True Religion, following the One True God. Either Only one Religion is True or all Religions are False? How can all Religions be True?

    So If He truly believes the Bible to be True… Then he's a Ignorant Fool, and Needs to be Silenced, and

    If He knows that its all Lie's… Then he is a Worthless Tyrant, and Needs to be Silenced…

    Ether way He Needs to be Silenced…

    If You Can't Understand This It's Not My Problem… “If You Think You Know Everything, You’ll Never Learn Anything,”

  2. The Bible is not a Reliable Historical Source Because it does not Meet the Standard Criteria of Source Reliability used by Historians. The Bible is Not, as many Believers Assume, Eye Witness Testimony. Reliable Sources are Generally Based on Authors Who Were Eye Witnesses to an Event (i.e. it is a Primary Source). Since Any Particular Source May be Fabricating Their Story, Multiple Independent Sources are Usually Required for Confidence. Establishing the Lack of Author Biases, Including Religious Motivations, is also Necessary if a Work is to be Read at Face Value. The Bible Satisfies None of These Requirements. Based on Historical and Archaeological Research, There are Known Historical Inaccuracies in the Bible. The Bible is Considered Mythological by Most Historians. Historians Know the Gospels are Largely or Entirely Myths Because They Share the Same Characteristics in That They are an Apparently Normal Story Except: The Text is Structured to Convey an Underlying Meaning, Usually to Convey some Political or Value System, Using Symbols that are Familiar to the Intended Audience. Refers to or Retells Other Myths and Stories but Often Some Aspects are Changed to make a Specific Point. Historical Improbabilities, Occurrence of Miracles or People Acting Unrealistically. Lack of Corroborating Evidence. People Do More Research on their Cars and Homes They Buy. But Not on the Religion They Live Life By… Blind Obedience is a Dangerous Thing… Christianity May Be Considered a Religion, But It Was Actually Developed and Used as a System of MIND CONTROL to Produce SLAVES That Believed God Decreed Their SLAVERY. DOING REAL RESEARCH WILL SHOW YOU IT'S ALL BEEN A LIE… And “NO” You Can't Use The Bible to Prove the Bible. That's Not How “TRUTH” Works. That's Using a Book of SORRY'S and LIE'S to Tell False TRUTHS… If You Can't Understand This It's Not My Problem…

    “If You Think You Know Everything, You’ll Never Learn Anything,”


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