Has Israel Been Replaced By The Church? Questions and Answers with Pastor Robert Furrow

Join us for our Q&A, Truth Quest Podcast where you can ask Pastor Robert Furrow from Calvary Chapel Tucson questions from his latest message or about Prophecy, the Bible, or the Christian life. Type your questions in the Comment section, add the word “Question” or “Q,” and we will get to them. Thank you!

0:00 Has Israel been replaced by the church?
17:29 Psalm 77:8 – Has His mercy ceased forever? Has His promise failed forevermore?
19:20 In your Pastoral opinion, does the rapture of the Church occur before Zechariah 14:1-4 NKJV?
22:21 Why didn’t God strike down Samuel’s corrupt sons like He did Eli’s sons and just appoint new judges like He did before?
24:27 I consider myself a cynical person and I feel convicted at times when I read 1 Corinthians 13:7-8, As a Christian how do we balance being cynical with the spirit of hope in others?
28:52 In Micah 1, are we dealing with agape love from God or am I missing something?
33:03 Those who are saved but not excited about the rapture: Is God causing them to be spiritually blind to the season we’re in? If so, why?
36:21 Why does the mainstream media not tell the truth regarding Israel-Palestine etc?
47:18 Aren’t the people who teach Replacement Theology or Kingdom Now Theology denying the accuracy of God’s Word?
52:31 Is it biblical to synthesize everything I see, hear and feel, through a biblical lens?
54:45 Where do you get your news? Can we really trust any network?
58:44 What is God’s Plan toward the Rich?


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