In this video I speculate on why Gaijin has stopped development on modern bombers and what it might take to respark interest in them.

#warthunder #gaijin #warthundernews


47 thoughts on “Has Gaijin Given Up on MODERN BOMBERS? (WAR THUNDER)”

  1. The main limit to the addition of cold war and modern bombers is that, realistically, only the US and USSR trees will be capable of actually filling a tech tree line with a proper roster of aircraft like that (multiple variants of the F-111, B-1, and fighter-bomber variants like the F-15E, or for the Soviets, the Su-24, Tu-22, Su-34 etc) as other nations ingame did not really develop or even purchase such vehicles

  2. Gaijin advertises themselves as a realistic battle simulator, yet bombers can't even do what they where built to do, i can't speak for high tier because i am only at the B17g, but from my experience bombers last for 5-6 minutes before getting obliterated and basically never get there bombs off, Escorts don't work because Fighters don't have an incentive to defend bombers, squading up me and the boys have tried flying in a defensive formation, that doesn't work, 1 Fighter can shoot all of us down in 1 strafe, and in my opinion the defensive armament on bombers is ineffective, bombers simply aren't made for the game and they never have been

  3. I love bombers and want to have more of them. They are chill to play. After a hard workday, youre tired, u can just play some bombers and its nice

  4. They need to create a new air rb gamemode with completely overhauled objecisystem that makes pve gameplay meta/viable. I'm so bored of repetitive 5 minute team death match dogfight simulator

  5. 9:10 is just so ridiculous to me. They're going to sit there and, with a straight face, tell us that they "simply had to gimp a NATO vehicle because it would've been TOO good and difficult to balance." Meanwhile, every patch there's some new over-performing and under-tiered russian shitwagon that further plagues tier 6. You can make an entire line-up with the turms, 2s38, BMP-2m, and su-25k and they're all extremely good and under-tiered.

  6. It doesn’t even have a place in simulator battles let alone trying it in EC unless they rework how the battles go and make it easy for bombers to at least bomb something before getting slapped out of the sky, as for them being added, I’d love to see a few B-52s or B-1s in a simulator battle where I’m flying a mig-29 rather than “destroy the bombers at B-6” and it’s 6 F-86 Sabres or Yak-38s

  7. The cruise missiles should be killable for SL and RP. Some aircraft have weapons made to take down cruise missiles, the phoenix missile on the tomcat was able to down cruise missiles. We should get supersonic bombers and other strategic bombers.

  8. I want my beloved baby Mirage IV supersonic strategic bomber with 20,000 pounds of conventional bombs that was it maximum load.

    I would also like to say it could replace the Jaguar A for French ground battles since Mirage IV did carried a legitimate nuclear weapon that was it main purpose originally during Cold War.

    This is honestly my favorite jet bomber of all time it looks so cool and awesome and the day it’s added, I’ll be happiest man ever alive probably only person that would ever care about it.

  9. On the note of Gaijan not giving vehicles all their weapons I can sometimes understand if said vehicles received upgrades later in their life and basically become a different variant, however some things like gimping the F-1 by not giving it all the air to ground weapons it had, and aim-9ls (or its homebuilt air to air missile) as well as countermeasure pods is ridiculous… its literally at 10.3 with no countermeasures and it still doesnt have its lead indicator back, its not like theyre balancing it by doing this.

  10. B29 is my favourite bomber, not in game but in real life, when I saw it in WT at first I was like I have to get it, and then I saw repair cost… 52K per battle (RB), and when I skipped it and eventualy got to F105, and they lowerd the price I realized I missed a lot of fun time in my favourite bomber… damn.

  11. they added the thunderchief recently no? surely the F117 is coming soon, and the spaceclimbing is fixied, if ur in space just flying around you count as afk and the game ends

  12. as someone who enjoys dilly dallying with cinematics it would make it a WHOLE lot better for gaijin to add a mode where lets say 4 bombers (B-52, B-1 Lancer) on the allies and 4 bombers (Tu-4, Tu-160 Blackjack) are escorted by F-15,F-16,F-18 and Su-27,Su-35,Su-30 fighters and they would have to peel off occasionally to try to hunt down the bombers, the team with the most bombers by the end of the match wins

  13. Honestly I've always thought air RB needs a more than a total overhaul, you'd have to burn the mode down and start again imo implementing some of the aspects from the better designed air mode (AB) such as the elimination of the runway as your initial spawn, a GRB points style system or the air ABs crew system and porting over most of ABs map pool of Multiple bases with 100 ground targets on each side would fit into RB without much modification

  14. from someone who has spent a lot of time playing bombers, I like bombers when your teammates defend you otherwise you just use your heavy bomber as a dive bomber to try and get kills in one strafing run as you always get shot down without an escort b4 you even get a bomb off. If DCS wasn't so expensive I'd be playing it all the time instead of WT.

  15. I think the inclusion of modern bombers will need a different game mode to balance it out. A mode that has a squadron of bombers targeting a strategic target with the help of escort fighters and the game only ends if all bombers are destroyed or all ground targets are destroyed; which is what will set it apart from regular air rb. It will be kinda like a tf2/overwatch type attack or defend rather than both sides attacking and defending simultaneously as it is now.

    Basically the game mode is a bombing raid, maybe 4 bombers and 4 fighters on one side and a responding qrf unit of 8 fighters with respawns on the other. with the attackers getting air-spawn at the very bottom or top corner of the map and defending team needing to take off from a selection of 2-3 airfields with knowledge of where the attacking team is via air or ground based early warning systems or radar sites. Attackers will either need to dodge radar coverage by flying low and behind mountain ranges or take out these radar stations and other early warning systems that will detect and track their flight otherwise. Of course, the defending team will be notified of the destruction of these early warning systems.

    If a target is destroyed, the attacking team will get another respawn wave to destroy the next target, deeper inland, closer to the defender airfields assuming there will be more than one target. Basically, this is the aerial version of Squad's invasion game mode. Defender will always have the upper hand, but if played right, attackers can mislead enemies and achieve victory

    This game mode should even work with ww2 era aircraft. As it is, bombers are just annoying when you have one side fielding 4 or 5 bombers that will instantly destroy the ground base targets and the other team has no comparable bombers to apply the same pressure and no good interceptor. The opposite is also true; when you have a lot of high climbing planes just pick out the bombers very quick since fighter support is virtually never present in the bombers vicinity, making the team with many bombers essentially handicapped. Usually, the latter is more relevant.

  16. One of the main reason bomber players became space climbers is because the player has to simultaneously be the pilot, bombardier, and defensive gunners in air RB. The defensive turrets only auto target enemies at .3km with a max level aced crew. They stand no chance at all if they arent paying attention to idk, bomb their target.

  17. I think what would be more realistic for gaijin to do is to make the top tier bomber tree a electronic warfare tree like the ef-111 and it’s counterpart as a folder to the fb-111 and counter parts and then straight up electronic warfare vehicles after that

  18. The B-57/Canberra is one of my favorite planes, and I would fly it more if they got rid of the idiotic repair costs and moved it back to a BR where it can actually outrun things, as speed is its only defense. Currently, it’s not really fun at all, and I J out on the AF after hitting a base.

  19. I think modern bombers don't make a lot of sense in the modern symmetrical PVP mode. You'd either need to have an interceptor vs striker team, a PvE mode based around SEAD and air superiority to clear the way for the strike package, etc. Which, I'd like to see that anyways. It would help tone down the clusterfuck furballs by making the game focused on objectives. This also introduces as a new wrinkle though: Late cold war/modern bombers based around being platforms for cruise missiles. How is the interceptor team supposed to handle wave upon wave of cruise missiles flying at their bases?

    I think modern bombers have a place in Warthunder, but I think it's going to take a sea change in how Warthunder matches are played. I can see Fox-3s like the AMRAAM forcing that though. Once we get F-15s capable of just being missile trucks dumping an entire payload of spamraams and running for home, BVR combat is going to be forced to change dramatically.

  20. I think bombers could survive in the current meta on the bigger maps if they start at 40-45k and they are way off vector from their own airfield. Gives them a chance to hide in all of the noise.

  21. Okay so Longbow Radar actually kinda sucks irl, it will misidentify pretty much anything as a ground vehicle, whether it's a shipping container or a single-family home, and you would think that it would have improved over the years with better software and programming but no, the army almost never puts longbows on aircraft, and anytime you do see an AH-64(an american one anyway) irl with an MMA, it's almost always an echo model with that UAV control bullshit

  22. I quit 'top tier' bombers when IR missiles were introduced. Not instantly, first I quit the Vautours, then the B-57, Canberras, and Il-28/H-5. Finally the Ar 234, but only then because of the lousy bombload. I maintain that flying high tier bomber missions, no matter the airplane, is not worth the repair costs.


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