Harland Williams 2.0 (Rocket Man, Harland Highway Podcast) on TYSO – #177

Will add a description later. Get off my ass.

In the meantime, https://www.patreon.com/takeyourshoesoff


35 thoughts on “Harland Williams 2.0 (Rocket Man, Harland Highway Podcast) on TYSO – #177”

  1. I was listening while driving in heavy rush hour traffic downtown Toronto and, at the exact moment I had to make a really difficult illegal left turn from King West to University, Harland started reading the Penal Code and it was SO distracting and SO annoying and I LOVE the serendipity

  2. 天哪,这一集真是太他妈累了。我觉得我需要睡两个星期。等一下,我正在接电话。谁?我的朋友胡医生,你是麦片吗?不,谢谢你知道我我的日历满了


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