Halo 3 (The Master Chief Collection) – Part 4

The fourth part of Halo 3. I play through The Storm in this video. Master Chief has to punch through the Covenant anti-aircraft defenses to allow Lord Hood’s fleet to strike the Prophet of Truth’s Dreadnought.

Master Chief and a group of Marines enter a factory section and move upstairs to fight off Grunts and Jackals. The Chief opens a door for more Marines to arrive and fight alongside the Chief against Brutes and Covenant. Master Chief and the squad head outside to more enemy forces. Master Chief fights off Covenant in a Ghost and destroys the Anti-Aircraft Wraith with a Missile Pod. The Chief enters the factory to fight a group of enemy forces. He and the team continue through the factory and take on a horde of Drones. They head back outside to fight off Anti-Air Wraiths and more Ghosts. A Scarab appears on the scene, and Chief’s allies attempt to destroy it. They eventually take out one of its joints, making it lower itself and keeping it down for a while. Master Chief jumps on top of it (just like in New Mombasa), kills the Covenant forces boarding it, and destroys the power core. The Scarab eventually detonates. There’s still one more target left: a Mantis in the area. Johnson tasks the Chief with taking it down so Lord Hood can attack. A Pelican lands to drop off the Arbiter and a squad or Marines, and they head to the factory’s warehouse. After the Chief experiences Cortana Moment, he and his marines fight off an army of Brutes. After an intense fight against a pair of Hunters, the Chief runs through the open door to take out Grunts. He follows a Brute Chieftain and his Bodyguards to the pedestal, taking them out as well as Grunts and Jackals. The Chief, the Arbiter, and the Marines move around the buildings and reach the hill containing the Mantis. Master Chief kills off all the enemy forces in the area and uses a Fuel Rod Cannon to take out the access panel and destroy the Mantis. Lord Hood and his ships fire at Truth’s ship, but an energy beam sends out a shockwave, resulting in the UNSC and Covenant ships being disorganized. The Chief looks up to find a sphere of blue light, with Truth’s ship approaching and disappearing into it along with the rest of the Covenant fleet. A damaged Covenant battle cruiser emerges from Slipspace, hurtles just over Chief, and crashes. The sky darkens as smog rises, with the Arbiter asking the Chief if more Brutes are in that cruiser. The Chief tells him that it’s actually worse: the Flood.

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