Gundam Reconguista In G | The Gundam Retrospective

Many years after the Universal Century is the Reguild Century, home to giant space elevators, a theocracy that controls all power distribution on the planet and relics of the past. Many say this is their lease favorite entry in the gundam franchise, calling it confusing but beautiful. Today we are taking a look back at Reconguista in G, to see if itā€™s reputation has been well earned.


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47 thoughts on “Gundam Reconguista In G | The Gundam Retrospective”

  1. Perhaps it was the hype Tomino was putting into the world building or perhaps it was the art style made it DOA for me? I couldn't get past episode 3 when this first aired and the hate for this series due to the messy plot and boring characters will never allow me to sit down and watch this to the end. Thank you for the recap/summary and saving me time. They should have made this into a video game instead like the MS SAGA Gundam JRPG. There's just too much info and characters that needs time which wasn't allotted for this show.

  2. Glad to here IBO is a fav of yours. I really enjoyed it and was surprised to hear that it was not well loved

    Also every time you said Space Pope in this video I thought of Futurama

  3. I just saw a few clips of Gundam Seed Freedom making the rounds, so this is good timing. I personally loved G-Reco, it's what I can only describe as "heartfelt insanity." It had a lot to say and wanted to say those things at whatever pace it wanted, and I respect that.

  4. Huh, is that how it went? I remember watching it and I'd have sworn up and down that I didn't finish it except I've definitely seen that bit where the ultimate antagonist is just accidentally punted off a cliff. I wish this had a better plot, as you said everything else about the show is amazing.

  5. Well, at least the suit designs are pretty cool. Sounds like they tried to cram the series full of content and ended up having it be wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle

  6. I was really looking forward to you getting to this series. So I can finally learn what it's about šŸ˜‚. I tried to watch it when it came out & it was so bad, I dropped it super quick. I was really disappointed because this came out after Gundam Age, which I didn't like. So ti was two series in a row for me.

  7. i feel the series had a lack of time o so much things to fit , when i saw i needed to read a lot to understand, and with this video well fills a lot of gaps.

    and the movies are doing a good job fixing the series, is not magic, but is better.

  8. this honestly feels like gundam fire emblem
    Ringo went from a red unit to a blue unit by talking to him with the right party member and no one bats an eye

  9. I watched G-Reco via the compilation movies and while the added scenes and changes did make it a bit more coherent, in the end itā€™s the same story that is like drinking through a firehose of information. Hell I didnā€™t even catch the Kuntala explanation on my watch through and wow is that dark for like, no reason. Overall theyā€™re widely regarded as a better experience of the series, even if ultimately it ends in more or less the same place.
    Great review, you can definitely miss things in G-Reco so you emphasizing those points is definitely appreciated!

  10. Dropped this by episode 6. Mind you, I usually give an anime 3 ep before deciding wether to continue watching or not. Just like this video said, it's too confusing. I like the Gundam though. Perfect Pact is sexy af.

  11. This is a series I struggled with and gave up on after about 5 episodes. Thank you for going through that pain for us!
    As always, this another compelling video that I've already watched or listened to 4 or 5 times.
    I mean, there's a reason I've been a member of your channel for over a year now. Much love man! ā¤

  12. Unfiltered Tomino incoherent nonsense. I will forever be thankful for First Gundam, but G Reco makes it clear that at some point after FG, Tomino fell off. I still enjoy Zeta, ZZ, and CCA, but the signs were there. Eventually, his style of frustratingly impulsive, unreasonable and naive characters (showcased in force here and in Turn A) became all he wanted to write.

    Stay retired, Tomino.

  13. I loved g reco, but I have an infinite threshold for confusing and sparse information so I understand it not being too popular. I mostly like seeing Yoshiyuki's style reach it newest point, and the art and animation of Gundam is always pushing the bar further forward.

  14. Hadn't thought of it until you mentioned it, but I'm wondering if the Kuntala were perhaps inspired by or a reference to H.G. Wells' The Time Machine, where it is implied that the Eloi, who spend all day lounging about eating fruits, are perhaps in turn eaten by the Morlocks, who live underground and have an entire technologically advanced society underground. Both races are thought to be descendants of far future humans, evolving in different ways.

    Kinda surprised you hadn't mentioned that Tomino claims (I believe in an interview) that G-Reco takes place after Turn A in the timeline, despite numerous contradictions with hard dates on the timeline for both series (such as Reglid being 1000 years post-UC while Turn A takes place in CC 2345) as well as the worldbuilding. The more I reflect on his shows and writing the more I determine that Tomino is wrong about them lol

  15. I really do not like Gundam G No Reconguista. Just like everyone, the world building and pacing is bafflingly confusing and never slows down enough to digest the info. The animation, character designs, and mech designs maybe extremely fantastic and better than most mecha series, but holy fuck does the wacky directing bring it down.

    I've said it once and I will say it again, Yoshiyuki Tomino is the Frank Miller of anime. The man has created the greatest most iconic masterpieces of the mecha genre and made it to what it is now, but as he got older his newer works grow bafflingly infuriating.

  16. New to the channel but have been binging it! I enjoyed gundam anime as a kid and would check back in periodically but was held back by how confusing it could get. I really appreciate the breakdowns of the series so I can finally make sense of something I always liked but was kept from fully enjoying due to not getting everything! Thanks

  17. Greco is a rare example of a gundam series better served by just making AMVs with the battle scenes then watched as a story

    Fuckin awesome gundam designs tho, loved using it as a unit in SRW

  18. g reco had cool designs that you can see ideas of reused for ibo and wfm like theres a suit you even had from the git labs guys that is just a stripped down schwarzette
    like design wise the show was a departure from gundam but did look good def felt more like eureka 7 but story wise

    my god this is awful
    it def feels like it got gutted and half the story was ripped out at times and the show cut halved and compressed badly

  19. NGL So much of this just screams to me "Lets do TurnA Gundam again BUT BIGGER" but instead its just way way worse, less visually cohesive units & factions and everyone seems to contradict with their own philosophies. Way too many Factions involved with not nearly enough of the setting explained out the gate. So many characters and groups just share identical looking mechs and ships that the only differences seem to be the colors on them.

    It seems like the only positives of this show are a lot of great individual character designs and a handful of neat looking Mobile Suits and Ships. But I wouldn't ever tell someone to watch a confusing messy show just to see one cool robot I'd save them the time and just tell them to google it.

    Would rather just watch TurnA Gundam instead over this and thats like TWICE as long lmfao


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