GTA 5 – How To Unlock NEW M16 (Service Carbine Rifle) – All Components & Crime Scene Locations

In this video we discuss where to find the 5 weapon components to unlock the Service Carbine Rifle (M16) and all 10 locations of the Crime Scene events.
This weapon is part of The Criminal Enterprises DLC Drip Feed and released on August 25th, 2022.

Crime Scene Location Map:


48 thoughts on “GTA 5 – How To Unlock NEW M16 (Service Carbine Rifle) – All Components & Crime Scene Locations”

  1. Yall complaining about having to go around and find the parts but yall completely fine with taking a second mortgage out on yalls house to get shark cards for 5million dollar Honda Civic on a game lol. That's all fine though🤣🤣🤣

  2. Here’s some tips:
    *Do it on invite only server. You can be on public and increase chances, but there may be assholes that camp and try to kill you (Trust me I experienced it on my second find)
    * Use a Sparrow. For some reason I didn’t get as much spawns on the Opressor, but Almost instantly found the rest of the four on the helicopter
    *They can repeat on the same spot (I had a couple on the same spot) so do check all ten even if you got a couple

  3. I hope that Rockstar will put the M16 once again next time some people got the weapon some people they don't have the weapon I'm one of them I don't have it I try I only had two and then I was doing it for 6 hours and I still got the three yet to unlock it so I hope that this message can go to Rockstar I'm sorry but I am disappointed 😡😡I hope that he put it like he did the other weapon is in animation that's all for me

  4. I just did it right now and at first it was dumb not showing up at all but I figured it out in the end. Go to invite only session put a timer on your phone for like 25 mins like they said and then get a buzzard it was just so much easier for me tbh with it and then all the possible crime scene locations make them Point Of Interests Marks on your map so you can just Waypoint them easy and just start with the city ones first and when you get a part I just made sure to go to a store and switch my shorts or something just to make sure it saved like people have said on here. Then I just find new session another invite only session and just put my timer for 25 mins again just to be safe for them to come out because I couldn't get shit for awhile until I did it this way. Hope this helps someone 👍

  5. All of my buddies got the parts these couple days and i never got one i always went to the blue dots and they are mostly the exotic vehicles, cayo key, the skeleton and the drug cars this is really annoying

  6. Anyone have a glitch when finishing ur second crime scene it states "1/5" components found? If it's going to start over every time I play, I'll never find all 5 lol. Ain't no one tryna play GTA online for 12 hours straight in 2022

  7. Yea except , I’ve been to 3 locations so far and still nothing … I did all the methods you said , the wait 20mins and visit the spots , should I go to a new session 🥴


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