Gravitas: Threat of nuke disaster: Russian forces fire 80 rockets from nuclear plant site

Ukraine says Russia used a nuclear plant to carry out a deadly rocket attack. This comes after a Russian base in Crimea was destroyed by a string of blasts. Is Moscow responding by raising the nuclear threat? Palki Sharma Upadhyay tells you.

#Gravitas #Nuke #Disaster

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42 thoughts on “Gravitas: Threat of nuke disaster: Russian forces fire 80 rockets from nuclear plant site”

  1. 🙏For Ukraine may you win this war as Putin is going to far it’s about time and that silly woman think’s Ukraine should back down get your head together Putin is Mad mentally not right in the head he need’s a straight jacket and padded cell

  2. Russia should have charges brought by UN FOR WAR CRIMES FOR USING THE NUKE PLANT AS SHIELD and firing missiles from the plant. IF THERE IS A ACCIDENT THERE. THE Russian LEADERS CAUSED IT TO HAPPEN

  3. This video is 2 weeks old & we are all still here. These clickbait headlines, add a bit of cheesy music, edited some clips from what could be anywhere & then make vast claims about a pending "nuke" disaster. What a load of utter BS……..

  4. To all of you Western news syndicates. Especially in America. In America one can only see long legged, blue-eyed, blond headed, women as news casters. Listen to this Indian female newscaster. American female newscasters don’t even come close to the charisma, professionalism, authority, that this Indian news announcer possesses. The lesson here for you American news corporate entities is the following: diversify your female news casters. You’re losing out on tremendous talent by not hiring people from different ethnic backgrounds to be newscasters.

  5. Hearing this female newscaster is mesmerizing. I’ve seen same news on the same topic presented by different newscasters, but the way this lady presents the information or news is on a whole different level. Wow, I can’t stop listening to you. You are a storyteller and a newscaster. Your delivery Of information is at a whole different level. Absolutely magnetic and magical…it’s like visually and mentally watching the events of story unfold in my minds eye as she presents the facts of her news.

  6. 80 rocket from nuclear plant site…… that's enough for any Ukrainian soldier to go Rouge, as a Ukrainian soldier i would of given Russia an the relevant nuclear authorities a dead line for Russian soldiers to leave that plant an if the deadline is not met i would start shelling that plant non-stop an couldn't care about the after effects because while the Russians were in there killing my comrades it wasn't a problem so suffer the repercussions now, would of also do it the show the Russians that nowhere in Ukraine is safe for an aggressive Russian🇺🇸🇺🇦

  7. More aircrafts belonging to Ukraine were destroyed by Russia few days into the Russian invasion. Looks like Puttin is feeling the same pain Ukranians felt when their aircrafts were destroyed.

  8. My anxiety level is going up like it was in the 80,s when we thought a nuke war with the U.S.S.R was about to happen. Only now it feels closer than ever, and it may very well happen with nuclear power plants getting destroyed.

  9. Ukraine,will beat Putin Russians are crying in Crimea oh a bomb hit us Crimea was Ukraine and they have all the rights to blow it up and get it back look how many ukrainians have been killed from Putin Crimea all your Russians in there are going to see what happened to Ukraine and all their people that have been bombed by Putin all you Russians living in Crimea should pack up and leave because the bombs are coming go Ukraine go goodbye Putin you are a dictator and you want to kill everybody


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