Gravitas: Greenland's 'zombie ice' to raise sea level by 10 inches

#Gravitas | A new report says, Greenland’s melting ‘zombie ice’ could raise global sea level by 10.6 inches. This could make floods more frequent & erode coastlines the world over. What’s worse, scientists say there’s no way to stop the ice from melting. Why? Palki Sharma Upadhyay explains.

#Greenland #ZombieIce

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35 thoughts on “Gravitas: Greenland's 'zombie ice' to raise sea level by 10 inches”

  1. The usual fearporn . They say the ice "could" raise sea level.
    Every summer we get this fearporn . In many places there are entire villages from antiquity under the sea . Did man cause that ? We are being propagandized by the Reset crew to live substandard lives of hardship by giving up fossil fuels . Look at what europe is facing . That folks, is the beginning of this accursed Reset.
    It all hinges on the claim that man is driving climate change ( notice they dont say global warming anymore) . This claim is refuted by THOUSANDS of scientists and researchers . Just as covid was used to deprive us of our freedoms , so too is climate change being used to wear us down with draconian policies. It is just another weapon in this psychological war being waged on us.
    We HAVE to wise up or else we will be defeated.

  2. And yet the Global Elitists continue to buy waterfront property………it makes it easier when the unwashed masses sell cheaply due to fear of being underwater.

  3. Been hearing about rising sea levels since 1980 and where I live on the South Coast of England I haven't seen anything to make me concerned. Constantly told during this time that by 2000 we would be under water never happened. Keep hearing the same story

  4. The term the reporter used, 'minimize' is incorrect. Even if we stop everything today and go back to the stone ages, with a population of over 7billion, all we are doing is postponing the event. Not only this ice melt, but every other climate change event.
    A problem for another day…..


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