WHAT DO WE WANT FROM PLARIUM? | Raid: Shadow Legends

WHAT DO WE WANT FROM PLARIUM? | Raid: Shadow Legends

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39 thoughts on “WHAT DO WE WANT FROM PLARIUM? | Raid: Shadow Legends”

  1. We dont want more content we want the content that we already have to be better !! In tournaments you have to spend alot on energy to get anywhere near top 3 and for very poor rewards!! They should add energy to top rewards to get back some of the cost to play the tournaments… Also primal shards our a joke !! 20 ps and 4 mythical books and 1k cash for Β£99 !! Raid thats a joke ….

  2. JGIGS indeed needs to at least adress that topic! WHAT dor we want?!
    For me its just not being treated as a milk cow! 1. Not sell the game, but make us love the game! Not gibe us the feeling NOT TO HEAR US, but continue to listen to our feedback (had the feeling of it getting better before it got worde again), Not taking more and give us less! (Dauly shard taken, now rewards "for free" but at point levels where you cant reach them (in tournaments etc.) When we play WAIT Shadow legends, how on earth can you raise the shard demand? Its still just a rare still just a legendary.. these are the treatments that ruin the experience of RAID

  3. the primal 2x must have been something on plariums mind. The specifically said that they won't increase the mythical chance because not enough champs existed. So what did we do to make them do that?

  4. I agree with many of your points…but actually when you are mention that we need goals….are not the points given in the post goals? Have Plarium not been informed for years about the goals of the player base?

  5. So if someone actually watches more than one creator,ALOT is seeable,..also from our perspective watching y'all videos,,,y'alls game isn't normal compared to r*s and it don't register…ex..shard numbers

  6. In terms of quest, the monthly do 500 campaign battle need to get changed. we are already so stretched thin on energy, that doing stage 12-3 brutal requires 4000 energy a month (133 energy/day) or best case 2000 if i do normal (which i tend to prioritize when doing the daily). as soon as you can solo farm a dungeon stage 20 in a reasonable time, there is no reason to ever do campaign again.

  7. And listen, it’s nobody’s business how you run your business. If you get money from Raid content videos, that’s your business, nobody else’s. So ignore those comments, majority of your audience gets it.

  8. We want the game to be more respectful of F2P and low spenders. It creates a healthier game. Krakens will spend even if they only have a teeny tiny advantage they will spend to get it. Look at Eve Online for proof of this. End game the difference between people who spend a crazy amount of money or time vs. others who just play a lot but don't spend much is like 10-15%… It's not massive but it's enough.

    With raid in the last year the souls, empowerment, ascending gear even all have grown the gap massively between F2P.

    Than FINALLY quick battle for clan boss… But oddly enough you can't initiate it after running a couple rounds? Or allowing players the abillity to set up the first 3 rounds in the AI.

    It's just one thing after another that feels specifically targeting to Whales well, it gets a little disheartening.

  9. All I want to see is a way to get a specific champion of our choice guaranteed. Let us choose 1 void & 1 non void, & give us a way to get them eventually. Not saying make it easy. But maybe after 10 legendary pulls you're guaranteed that champ…. or atleast rotate the available champions in the token exchange

  10. Facts:
    1. Plarium doesn't need another essay to know what most players want. CCs have been giving good suggestions all the time.
    2. Plarium knows about nodimedecember.

    Conclusion: if there is enough people joining nodimedecember and affect their revenue, plarium will have to adjust according to what they have been intentionally ignoring.

    Goal achieved. Straightforward.

  11. The super-apparent issues that brought this up are visible – obvious to fix. We'd first love a battlepass that is less like the anemic Xena and more like the actual wurlim frostking battlepass (how did they decide it was just too good to repeat)? Second, address the insanely greedy fusion with no skippable events – no time to relax and better also spend a bunch of gems in order to complete higher point requirements. Would love quality of life tavern/market improvements but those 2 are the obvious ones for me.

  12. for the first time since I started to play Raid: Shadow Legends (almost 3 yrs ago), on both my F2P accts, I am up about 10k in saved energy… skipped a few fusions/events/tournaments. that is the result, when a game does not reward enough for the time spent inside the game and/or just way too time consuming to be playable and still have a job/life as well. I might go and START spending on something more fun, like WoW instead. xD

  13. The game just takes way too much time now. Doom tower, 3v3, faction wars and daily quests alone take a while. Then you have to deal with CvC, fusions, and Hydra clash now. Also event inflation makes it all add up to feel like a job. Idk how they expect to retain players with this kind of burnout.

  14. End game and starting to get bored. I play Dragonheir and spend roughly 10 to 20 a month. The last point will be the major point.

    Open DT for the month and let me complete all the floors and give me all my keys right away.

    Put all the markets into one marketmand have it all reset at a specific time all at once.

    Champ trainings SUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK. Make me not hate you for completing it.

    Vault and inventory should be way more.

    Lastly and the biggest, change the game modes. The litteral basis forman amazing game is there but why not mix it up. Why does Arena HAVE to be 4v4? Why do Dungeons have to be 5? Why does CB need 5? Why Hydra with 6? Campaign with 4 and so on. Change things up and create more interesting things!

  15. I get far more fun and value for my (low-mid spender) bucks playing Watcher now than Raid. I'm only sticking in Raid for my guild, and my spending is now zero. What is Fateless going to be like? I'm hoping it'll be a lot more like Watcher as relates low-mid spenders.

  16. I was grateful for the additional artifact storage, but every single step is a cash grab. Everything in the game is just purposely restrictive, evidenced by the fact that with money, you can fix almost all of it.

  17. I absolutely love your content and watch most videos, but I felt this one was out of touch with the community. Maybe I'm missing something, but the vibe I'm getting from the community almost entirely focuses on GREED. Hard bosses and awakening mechanics, killing off rares for hydra, primal shard costs, fusions/events getting more difficult, resource cost for Iron Twins, selling champs in a 40 dollar battle pass. I think the goal of not spending is to prevent the greed from getting out of control and bring prices back down.

  18. 5star chicken and sacred back on the monthly ! , monthly rewards isn't TOO bad like you mentioned, but they have cut some rewards that they didnt need to! fusions are just getting like increasingly more costly in resources, almost as if they just keep up'ing the dial another 5% every other fusion to drain us lol especially how they put more emphasis on summoning event for fusions. They can drop more skins for more champs, make the pricing more doable and make either the sale of it or more events for them. Definitely a monthly rebalance of champs or every two months at minimum. agree on the market and token trader, 3v3 to gold I is rough.

    I feel like a small dent with no-dime december with the outcry in forums or at least to the community managers of RSL should at least tell the higher-ups that the customers in general aren't satisfied with the current state of the game. If they want to have things for krakens and whales, fine…but at least do some 'freebie' stuff for the lower ends/F2P, champion pass basically gives everyone a sacred so that's good at least… maybe it should of been a special sacred shard and if you got the 6% rate to hit legendary, it was a 50/50 chance at getting xena? just spit balling a random alternative to the pass lol.

    also a little more care in actual seasonal or anniversary events like jgigs mentioned, instead of just having the number 3 on all the events for 3rd year anniversary lol…. why not just make it extremely good rewards, instead of…. 75 energy, 25 gems, 300 soul coins…etc lol

  19. New content. I agree. No correlation to the movement. But a Frost king titan event? A guaranteed void leggo that ends before Dec? Hard to ignore that as minimally a response. Now. Correlation isn’t causation so we can’t say this caused those better events. But it certainly can look like Plarium think tank analyzed possible revenue loss and answered with a guaranteed leggo at the 100 shards.

  20. Who the hell is jgigzZzZzzz to tell others what to do? If u want to spend money,thats your money ,do whatever u want. If u dont want to spend,than dont, but dont tell others what to do. He is whining for months but still making videos with same shit over and over again for raid for views and money

  21. If I may add my 2 cents to this, Hopefully this novel will make sense.
    You are approaching it from a Business point of view, and honestly that is fantastic! You bring a lot to the table and I can get behind that. Maybe looking at it from a F@P or Average Players View would make more sense, for instance what I read from the J-Giggs video was:
    He (even as a F2P) player wants good value. I think he should have been a little more clear about that.
    The notion that spending a lot of money on a game has become the norm, is quite ridiculous. (When you said spending $500 "wont even change your account", is actually a little concerning). But in totality looking at it from a content creator that's been playing it since pretty much the beginning, I can understand it.
    Plarium's holding company, is a gambling company. They understand that humans are curious, they bank on the "What If" factor. They also know that people are impatient. So one month is only going to create a tax write off for them.

    Here's where I believe big guys like you and the other content creators can bring value:

    We (The average player, the "not"! content creators or people deriving an income of sort, from Raid) are mostly F2P / C2P (cheap 2 Play) players, and Plarium is P!ssing us off by not giving us value.
    Instead, they give you a bundle that only scales upwards. For instance; The Mini Mix Pack used to be $15 for 3 shards and 6 energy refils + a few extras. you can buy only one per day, and if you buy enough of them the value goes to $25. and I'm sure if you buy enough of them it will go up for only a LITLE BIT MORE RSS.
    The Real question (at least in my mind) for Plarium should be:
    WHAT VALUE BUNDLE CAN YOU BRING TO ENTICE F2P PLAYERS TO SPEND MONEY or C2P Players to spend money more frequently? Value that doesn't make us feel like an Umbrella has just been opened in our Backsides.
    This is a Possible Solution:
    Add a few $2 bundles that resets every day that varies. For instance a $2 energy& 1 Blue shard Bundle where you get 3 refills and a blue shard. This Bundle can re-occur every 3 days. and there can be different $2 bundles with other recourses like silver/ ect.. I know there is a Daily $1 Blue Shard. But that is just not enticing enough.
    Make the Mini Mix Pack, a Scaling Pack. First purchase $5 (for x amount RSS) then $15 then $25 then $30, Everyday this resets and starts again at $5.
    Paying for a Champion, outright is Stupid. I would have suggested they make Xena a Fragment where you win Fragments for every 100 Arena Wins Silver IV & upwards only. With the champion pass including good rewards like blue & Purple Shards (& Tomes) & one Gold Shard at the end, also a Kickstart of 15 Fragments & a $20 Gold Pass where there are Primals/Purples & 2 Gold Shards and other Better RSS and lets say 15more fragments.
    Primal Shards in my mind should not include Blue champions or at minimum, Blue champions that can be farmed. Personally in think Farmable champs should not even be in the Shards or only in the Green Shards.
    Whales are going to spend regardless. Business owners Like yourself are too, and that's fantastic. How you as creators can help, is to advocate for the little guy such as myself and the countless other like myself. Yes you can have fun F2P however:
    J-Giggs's proposal Will only affect Plarium after a few Months. I don't think Boycotts are too effective unless there is a considerable time investment. However, there are effective ways Plarium (and I believe with the help of you and others like you) can implement to make this game even more enjoyable and enticing to play.
    The Other Game I play from Plarium is Mech Arena, and I buy their Monthly Gold Pass every month (For $10) because it brings Great Value to me as a low Spender.
    Thank you for Your great Content! I love watching your Videos and am very thankful that Ash recommends you so often.
    Kind regards


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