GOLDBRIDGE Best Bits | Copenhagen 4-3 Man United

Mark Goldbridge best bits as Man United lose to Copenhagen 4-3 in the Champions League This is now the OFFICIAL and best โ€ฆ


18 thoughts on “GOLDBRIDGE Best Bits | Copenhagen 4-3 Man United”

  1. Whatever team you support, at least this guy is unbiased. He supports United, obviously, but although hes gutted at the decisions against them… he accepts them. That pen for Copenhagen is a prime example. I'm a Liverpool fan but this guy needs more followers.

  2. Itโ€™s only gonna get worse mate another shark joins the Jews ! Ready to feed on the corpse , lol .
    Think this crook gonna invest in utd Ffs heโ€™s done is bit , giving the Jews 1.5 billl , now thereโ€™s one extra to stuff dividends into his tax free back pocket .


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