GOING AGAINST ALL ODDS | FEH Ascended Ced & Rearmed Plumeria Summon

Summoning on the Rearmed Plumeria banner in FEH

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24 thoughts on “GOING AGAINST ALL ODDS | FEH Ascended Ced & Rearmed Plumeria Summon”

  1. I got Febail from my free tickets 😢 It could have been Plum 😭 I decided I did not want to waste orbs and get a ton of Febails…So will wait till she is on a better banner or wait till another Arcane blue tome lol

  2. This summoning session was brought to you by Copium. Believe in your dreams even if they don't believe in you. (Things actually went pretty well all things considered.)

  3. Congrats on your summons!

    Fuck colorsharing. I got two febail before the spark and i have zero use for his fodder. Ill keep saving and wait for Plumeria to appear in a different banner

  4. Rough session, we've all been there. I had a good session myself, sniping blue and green essentially. Got a Ced on my ~3rd summon, Plumeria on ~6 &~13 summon. I might have stopped after my first Plumeria but forgot I hadn't gotten the tickets so I went back in. So I'm sitting at 14 summons and thinking it's may not be worth going to spark on. I'll at least wait to see the mythic/legendary at the end of the month.

  5. I started pulling blue and green but then I got 2 more ascended Fjorm and started to wonder if she pushed Ced off his banner XD So now I'm just pulling blue and I'm getting him second spark. I've lost the blue focus coinflip twice and won thrice so my luck is doing ok at least. I wish I was having your luck getting Vanessas on 3/4stars, she's 2 away from +10!

  6. Ouch that got painful towards the end 😭 i randomly decided to pull bc i wanted that fodder for my k!soren and i ended up getting two plums on the way to spark when i got a third! I was pretty pleased to say the least

  7. Grateful I got a plum on pull number 38. got my phila to +9 but man it was rough. I might spark another plum because as much as I want another floret, I'm sure ced will come back soon. But I did see a full blue circle! Got nothing but 3stars but it was cool.

  8. so excited for the halloween banner! i hope they give us engage, and in that please give us veyle! i would love a veyle and f!veyle duo sigh one can dream lol. otherwise a very good halloween one would be a dimitri one. he hasnt gotten another like the other leaders. congrats on the pulls! always a delight watching you summon haha


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