God Can Get You Where You Need To Go | Against All Odds with Ashley and Carlie Terradez

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2 thoughts on “God Can Get You Where You Need To Go | Against All Odds with Ashley and Carlie Terradez”

  1. I’ve just become a partner because this is one ministry that I know will change many lives. I’m so happy I discovered these guys.
    I’ve had Addisons disease and lots of other diseases and accidents for years, now have osteoporosis but keep nursing as God has used me to pray for the sick and see amazing miracles and salvations, but my pelvis just broke in 2 places and lots on internal damage to my hip, and I didn’t have a fall or anything.
    I know it’s the devil because I had just started devouring Andrew Womack and the Terradez’s and this occurred. So now I’m literally stuck in a recliner or bed so I keep reminding myself, ‘Not today devil!’ But the mental assault that has come against me is full on and I usually don’t get down etc. but I’ve drawn a line in the sand, no more. Im starting to have my eyes opened by these ministries and I know I will be sending in my testimony real soon! Hopefully, you’ll get to Australia soon, I think you’ve just been but come to sunny Qld please! But the great thing is now I realise I don’t need someone special to pray for me – I already have it! And I will fulfill the call of an healing evangelist Gid has spoken to me about for 30 years with no more continually pain, sickness and disease etc.


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