Go.ev | The Electric Revolution Documentary (English) | Tata Motors X National Geographic

Watch National Geographic Go.ev with Tata Motors! Again!

Get ready to witness the electrifying tale of Tata Motors revolutionizing India’s roads with its trailblazing electric vehicles!

Join us on an exhilarating journey as we delve into the incredible efforts of our ingenious designers and engineers in shaping a sustainable future. From conquering range anxiety to building robust charging infrastructure, this National Geographic documentary unveils the inspiring story of our relentless pursuit of impactful solutions.

Discover our vision for the future in this film as we share our expansion plans of launching 10 EV models in the market by 2025. Buckle up and be captivated as we explore the boundless potential of electric mobility, where health, wellness, and innovation converge in the heart of India!

#Tiagoev #Goev #TATAIPL #Tata #TataMotors #TataTiago #IPL #IPL2023 #TATAIPL2023​


38 thoughts on “Go.ev | The Electric Revolution Documentary (English) | Tata Motors X National Geographic”

  1. ONLY tata Tata is the pride of india.

    indian govt should not allow Tesla in india they would just kill Indian manufacturers so please support indian companies only

    love Tata

  2. Very informative and detailed video… Thanks for letting us know so much information in different languages…. actually in india most people do not have enough understanding of ev….if they know it this way they will definitely buy…

  3. What customers most fear is of charging station in village to zonal to local areas …like in small towns
    …if tata can install charging stations first…and people knoe it they dont have to fear of changing issue…like petrol pump everywhere available…. Even town people will buy it… In village also people have trust over TATA products…but only problem they have is not enough charging station..

  4. Really Need to improve the problems initial buyers have faced. They are still there even after 2 yrs from launch. On top Road Side Assistance is pathetic right now. HV ( High Voltage) alert one such glitch that can still happen with any Tata EV car, which will hault your vehicle immediately and in 90% of the times no other option other than towing. I was stuck for 6 hrs till the car got towed and I was just 20 kms from Pune that too on national highway. Still 6 hrs. I can't imagine also if I were at a remote place at night . So choose wisely. Tata EV for atleast next 3 yrs is not a good idea.

  5. Owning a Tata car will be a life changing decision.

    Let me tell you my story of being a Nexon Ev Prime owner for the last 30 months(2 and a half years).

    While I must admit that I really enjoy driving the car, the experience is often short lived. In my 30 months of ownership, I've visited the service center close to 50 times, my car been in the service center for about 60 days in total (multiple visits, none due to accidents).
    In my 30 months of ownership I've got more parts replaced/repaired in my car than anything else my family owns.
    – all four door panels have been repainted due rusting (still getting rusted after repaint, I'll visit again when I've time)
    – the rear boot door has been repainted twice and still getting rusted.
    – The charger supplied with the car overheats (tata came with a software upgrade to fix the issue, but it reduced the charging speed, now my car charges in about 14 hours (0-100) instead of 10 hours before the update.)
    – Seatbelt were replaced since they stopped working
    – Breaks were replaced
    – Door handles and rear boor lock has been replaced, since they stopped working.
    – Steering assembly has been replaced, as the auto turn signal cutoff was not working.
    – Button has been replaced twice, as the media control buttons won't work.
    – Horn pad was replaced since, while fixing the above issues, they broke the horn pad.
    – AC stopped working on the second day after delivery, and I got my car back after 10 days in service center, and that didn't fox the problem. After several visits to the service center, it was me who suggested to check for all the loose connection of the cables and gas leakage(they were adamant that the new car won't have AC gas leakage).
    – Poor fitting and alignment of body parts
    – worst service center experience you can ever expect (this is one thing tata is very consistent from service center to service center)
    – Broken infotainment system, it has it's on mind, it'll get stuck, reboot randomly, forgets things very often…
    – Frequent critical errors and Fast Charging Issues.
    – The first year of ownership was a nightmare as it was impossible to take the car for a long drive as you'll never know when you get stuck in a charging station due to a common problem of charging socket lock actuator. My lock actuator has been replaced 3 or 4 times, I lost count.
    – Tata Connected car app, Z-connect is the worst of it's kind. Not reliable at all. And tata will ask you 6k+ for two year subscription, And even after that, they'll delete your data after a few months, won't let you download and keep your data. So basically tata is asking you to pay them to use their buggy alpha software, they are asking you to pay for them to take your data for their research and development. Fantastic.
    – service center will ask you to replace your reusable/washable mesh type AC filter with a new one. That's just plain stupid, but they'll scare with 'warranty will be void' warning.

    Many of the issues I faced, such as rusting and charger overheating are quite common, every other nexon ev owner will agree to it, it's just a matter of time till they notice it.

    Apart from my own experience, the following are also quite common things you'll experience if you buy a tata car. Just join any tata ev telegram/whatsapp/facebook community or browse teambhp or twitter.
    – Critical error when when taking your car below 20%
    – Charging session randomly stops, you'll wake up in the morning expecting a fully charged car, only to be surprised to see that it stopped charging; now get a taxi.
    – Battery replacement is also not very rare, imagine your car suddenly going to 0% from 40% at midnight, and in the middle of nowhere.
    – While their parts are IP rated, many got water damage to their cables, PDU and other components and got them replaced.

    What I don't understand is how Tata Motors manage to mess up so many things despite using the top quality parts from Bosch, Siemens, BMW, APTIV…
    I must appreciate the quality of the individual components used in the car, but it's and engineering marvel to see how Tata Motors manage to mess up so badly.

    Now let me tell you how/why owning a tata vehicle will change your life.

    You see, when you go the service center for any issues, they'll not admit the problem, at best they'll blame you, most of the case, they'll sat there is no issue. Now it's upto you to carefully document everything about your car, you are very likely to be a vlogger/blogger, at least, you'll start writing your 'diary'/daily log of your car. You'll start documenting and noticing every single thing about your car.
    See, Tata just made your documenting skills way better.

    Now, you've the evidence, they won't agree, not yet, Innocent unless proven guilty. So, now it's upto you to reproduce the error in presence of the service center guy. So all of a sudden you become a very good debugger and QA/QC guy.
    You have to read the manual,s study about the cars, talk to other owners learn about the issue and show the service center how your car is behaving abnormally, you become a automotive expert.

    Okay, now they admit the issue, they'll now accept your car and start 'working' on it. This is when you learn how to be patient or in most case this is when you go mad. They'll never answer your calls, mails, no update no nothing. Then you'll visit the service center to check with your car, and you'll see that your precious car is just waiting in the yard, at a corner, collecting dust and dirt, under the sun. For them it's just another piece of junk.
    At this point, you'll either have a breakdown and lash out, or you'll learn to control your temper (for now) and keep your cool.

    Now you'll return, keep calling and messaging everyday. Still no progress, at this point, you'll will not keep your calm, you'll shout, you'll be sad, you'll be angry, you'll visit the service center, you'll talk loud, everyone will look at you as if you are crazy, even the potential customers. Then they'll take you seriously. This is when you realize that 'crying baby gets the milk", angry baby in our case. So, Tata just made you an angry person, they taught you that being a nice customer will not get you the rights you have as a customer.

    Okay, so, now you got a brand new EV for 17 lakh+, and it has been with the service center for a few days, you are renting a car or using another ICE car and spending a lot on rent and/or fuel. This is when you realize that as a customer you have rights, so you'll talk, read and learn about all your rights as a customer and now you'll go the service center argue and claim your rights for a loaner car/compensation. They won't agree, so you'll become a 'lawyer' and make the agree. Still they may not agree, now you'll learn to become a lobbying expert, you'll pull all strings you know, social media posts, auto-vloggers, consumer court… finally they'll yield when they get a notice from your lawyer/court.

    Okay, so finally you got your compensation/loaner car, you got your car back. At this point you'll see that they haven't fixed your issue to your liking or they broke another thing while fixing it (very common). Or they scratched or dented your car body, stole something from your car…
    So you'll learn that you need to be a detective for the next service center visit, you'll have to take photos and videos of every single scratch, dent, every single item in your car…
    So, all of a sudden you now learn to be a QA/QC guy, an expert in PDI.

    See I told you owning a tata motor is a life changing decision.

    Do you realize what you've became in just a matter of months ?
    – You are now the expert on electrical vehicle technology
    – You now know how to argue like a lawyer,
    – You became a debugger/detective, you are proud of your skills gather evidence as a detective, present case as a lawyer and get the opposition to yield.
    – You learn to control your emotions, you learn to keep your calm while arguing, despite being extremely angry inside.
    – You learn all about consumer court and consumer rights
    – You learn the value of time, you'll learn the fact that sometimes you've to let go and accept the fact that time you are spending is more valuable than what it is being spent for.
    – You just became the goto person for anything car related, your friends and family will call you for PDI of a new car, consult you for insurance, dealing with service center…
    – You learn to take leadership, become active in social media, help fight for a group of people with similar experience like yours

    All of this at a cost of you, you are no longer the same person before owning the tata car
    your husband/wife now became your ex, you spend more time after work for your car than your partner, unless you learn the value of time as I mentioned above.
    Your parents lost their kid, as they don't recognize this new angry and frustrated person you've become.

    Do you now see why owning a tata car is the life changing decision?
    Thank you so much Tata Motors for Teaching me lessons worth of a life in such a short time. Love you guys.❤‍🔥

    For all the Tata Fans out there,
    Fire just gives you light and warmth from a distance; the moment you get too close, it'll burn.

    And for all the Make in India Fans,
    None of the critical components in the car are made in India,
    the battery, electronics components, motor… everything imported and assembled in India.
    Electrical/Electronics are from Bosch, Siemens, Aptiv, Harman and some Chinese vendors (battery BMS and all) among others.

  6. To forecast that the growth of Electric Vehicle sector will directly contribute in significantly reduce the Greenhouse Gas emissions is like fooling ourselves towards believing in utopia, because, as the transport sector keeps growing, it will keep adding vehicles instead of scrapping or converting good old fuel based ICE vehicles in the sector
    Therefore, only a stricter transport sector licensing regulation focussed on restricting legacy ICE vehicles can make a meaningful dent in GHG emissions

  7. It seems The EV are meant for rich and effulant people who can buy this as second car for city drive. Because average indian public is having a 2 to 4 ke service connection. The car can not be charged with 3.3 kw charger and use AC during night until and unless the service connection is upgraded to atleast 5 to 6 kw. And for this even if you do not charge u have to pay extra everymonth. I suggested Tatamotors to introduce 1.5 kw charger which can be safely used along with AC. As ambiant temp is increasing everywhere Airconditioner at home is an absolute necessity. DC fast chargers cost 3 times more but their availability is only limited to A class cities and metropolitan cities. Not smaller towns. Even not available on highways. Nearest charging station is 200 km from my place, Rourkela. Even TATA motors dealers do not have charging facilities, they use 15 amp home ac point to charge the ev before selling. The dealer at my place could not provide test drive car also. Central govt as well as state govt are not keen to setop charging stations in smaller cities and highways and this restricts people from ev. Govt must force petrolium ministry, tatamotors , mall owners to install charging facilities so that people can go anywhere worry free.

  8. I own Nexon and harrier both are petrol variants. But my main concern about ev is still its range tata needs to capture ev market in india before tesla arrives in India. They need to make an ev between 30 to 50 lac with a range of 400+ actual km.

  9. Even after FAME , GST and Road tax concession tata is selling EVs at very high price .
    19-20L for a car like Nexon , that's ridiculous.
    EV manufactures like you have learnt that people are ready to pay more because they see low running cost and you manufactures wants to make most of it . Why to sell it at low price when people are ready to pay? All you need is big profit.

    Tata being such huge company has not yet able to build a proper EV . To get all the benefit of EV it should be designed as an EV not converting ICE car into EV .
    Look at BYD and their R&D , their battery tech , cars and the price at which they offer it .
    Where do Nexon stand against BYD atto 3 ? BYD atto 3 is sold at less than 16L INR in china , they IMPORT and sell it at 34L in India .
    If tata were to build a car like BYD atto 3 , they would price it at above 50L and if they had to sell it in other country like India , they would sell it at 1cr INR .
    It feels like in the name of climate change manufactures like tata just wants to make money .

  10. We might develop all charging infra but Biggest two question nobody ask. 1. Very high battery replacement cost. 2. Pollution to be caused by disposed battery. PEACE!

  11. My car's battery drained from 25% to 6% in just 4kms. Can anyone please look into the matter. Who should I report the issue to ?? I own a nexon ev and its not even a month old. Only 2000km driven

  12. ** ** * TIME HAS RUN OUT !! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Don't ignore this message… REPENT NOW !! TRUST that God raised Him from the dead !! By FAITH accept JESUS's blood alone as payment for your sins unto Salvation, to escape what's about to happen !!


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