Glory Departed: The "Wait" of God's Glory | Pastor Courtney Hall

SCRIPTURE TEXT: 1 Samuel 4:1-22; 5:1-12

When a series of defeats to the Philistines enabled Israel’s enemies to capture the Ark of the Covenant and decimate tens of thousands of Israelite warriors, including the demise of the wicked priests Hohphni & Phineas (just as God had prophesied), many in Israel felt “the glory of God has departed” (1 Sam 4:21-22). Yet the failures of the people, and the judgment of the Lord on the idolatry also among the Philistines, indicates that it was in fact the people who had turned away from God. In our own lives, there are times when we may feel God has failed or abandoned us—but if we’re willing to wait in real worship on the Lord and consider how our own behaviors may have contributed to our problems, we can realize the glory of God’s graciousness in the midst of even our most challenging circumstances.


PREACHER: Pastor Courtney Hall

SERIES: The Samuel Story (Pt. 3)

DATE: July 24, 2022

SERVICE TIME: 10:30 am (PDT) | In-Person & Online*


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