Glitchtale is Objectively Terrible

Go and subscribe to @DefinitelyBoredOranges right now, he’s cool. Glitchtale my beloathed headache. Stole some jokes from …


42 thoughts on “Glitchtale is Objectively Terrible”

  1. Edit: I keep seeing comments about this so I’m putting it here. I’m not misgendering Chara/Frisk on purpose. Camila wrote them as males instead of non binary and that’s the only reason why I refer to them as he/him.

    Every time you guys think I've finally died for good I'll come back to prove you wrong

  2. 54:56 Fun fact, the Red Soul was never canonically referred to as the soul of Determination.

    With every other soul, their trait is written in their respective color. Determination is written in gold, not red (excluding the genocide route).
    In fact, it is explained that every soul has determination; Chara and Frisk's souls just happened to have more.
    The Red Soul has never been given a canon trait.

    So yeah, the idea that the Red Soul is the soul of Determination is just a widely-accepted headcanon that gets mistaken for canon.

  3. Honestly, as someone who adores all of the cool and interesting headcanons people come up with to further explore the worlds of Undertale and Deltarune (to the point where I’m actually in the middle of writing a UTDR fic that uses its post-Snowgrave setting as a way to explore Monster and Darkner religion and mythology), I’ve always been really disappointed that Glitchtale was considered the gold standard for worldbuilding in the Undertale fandom for such a long period of time. Even when I was younger and completely obsessed with Undertale, I never found Glitchtale to be all that enjoyable and couldn’t understand for the life of me why it got so popular in the first place. If people wanted content that explored monster and human relations, who the seven magicians were, and the nature of human SOULs and the magic they possess so badly, there are tons of lesser-known fan works out there featuring all of those things that are way more internally consistent, have much less character assassination, and actually build off of the lore that was established in-game as opposed to just shoving it aside to do whatever the hell you want for the sake of over-the-top anime fight scenes.

    While I’m incredibly grateful that Glitchrune will probably never exist, a sick, twisted side of me kind of wants to see it happen solely to see how utterly terrible, story-breaking, and off-the-rails it could get. Given how badly Crybaby Cuevas handled both Sans and Gaster, I’m morbidly curious as to how badly she would butcher the secret bosses.

  4. Wow now I review on underverse would be awesome. I mean it isn't as flawed as glichtale. Still has it downs and isn't risking to much .But for what it is it's pretty alright.Anyway nice video and wish you best luck.

  5. camila must’ve played undertale with her eyes closed because my GOD how does someone manage to mischaracterize this badly? i’ve seen fanfics on wattpad written by children too young to even be on the internet with free access who had a better grasp of their personalities than whatever camila had going on with the character arc she tried to make undyne go through

    also !!PAPYRUS!! of all people not understanding kindness?? actual abysmal writing jfc

  6. You make it then.. i don't know what to tell you, it's definitely not perfect but the passion is there and she just wanted to tell a story, i don't see what the big deal is. Costructive criticism is a thing you don't really need to add all of.. this..

  7. I was so confused for years why people liked it and it's good to see I was not alone… OC can be fine but the moment I saw that pink ombre child (that don't match anything in the OG style) I knew it was one of THOSE…

  8. Betty noire killing characters ramdoly and chara being the only good character besides Betty only good only cause some way some how she and chara are the only good characters besides frisk every other characters in stupid

  9. I remember seeing Betty a logn time ago in some fight animation. And the comments were something along the lines of "that's stupid you can't do that with a soul" and "pink soul? Fear? thats dumb"

    Now look where we are

  10. Dang, I just noticed that I have to watch a series twice plus a review (or in this case a rant) to realize it’s either bad or good because I subconsciously always turn my brain off when watching stuff :/

  11. Ok I think people should realize- Just because Glitchtale had bad writing, doesn't mean you can enjoy it. It's still one of the biggest pieces of Undertale fan media next to Underverse and the likes. While it's valid to justly critique this series, it's also valid to enjoy it despite its flaws.

    This show had genuinely great animation and was amazing seeing it evolve. Frisk VS. Betty gave me literal chills. SAO is one of my favorite anime's ever, I know it's still dogshit though. You can still like Glitchtale, even while knowing it's not great.

  12. To be honest the only thing here I disagree with is the animation part. Sure, it's looks lazy/bland at times, but you got to remember that this was only made by a few people it doesn't have the budget of a show that's from Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, or Disney Channel or even the budget of some really passionate indie animation teams like Spindel Horse or Glitch Productions, because it's only a fan project done in some people's spare time. I rather compare the animation to stuff you would find on 2000s New Grounds. But everything else I agree with!


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