Giant Monster Terrorizes Small Town in West Virginia (S4, E5) MonsterQuest | Full Episode

In 1967, a giant winged monster reportedly terrorized the skies over a small town in West Virginia, ending in a tragic bridge collapse that claimed forty-six lives, in Season 4, Episode 5, “Mothman.”


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50 thoughts on “Giant Monster Terrorizes Small Town in West Virginia (S4, E5) MonsterQuest | Full Episode”

  1. Wouldn't these people had known if they came across an owl as opposed to a creature!! Would an owl keep flying down and walking the car with its wings? Doubt it!! I believe all the witnesses seen something scarier and bigger than an owl!! Mothman would leave an impact 40 60 yrs later, I don't think a owl would haunt their dreams etc

  2. Great watching these ,. But we know it is pelosi, biden or trump on the Halloween 🎃 haunting journey. .. or the grinch Mitch Mcconnell … Boooo . Scary 😧

  3. Even though this episode is now over a decade old, people are still having sightings of the Mothman. I remember when a new bridge was being built over the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey, a tower crane fell without explanation. No one got hurt but someone got a photo of a creature standing on top of the crane right before it fell down. I believe Mothman is still out there somewhere. What amazes me more is that, even in Point Pleasant where sightings are the most famous, the sightings are still happening.

  4. I bet if this series had 100 episodes that only 1 or 2 might actually be real creatures (Obviously Giant Squid is a real animal so count that if u want since I think the episode was made b4 the finding. Yes, some are just bigger/gigantic versions of regular animals so those are feasible but like this story its probably not a real thing.

  5. Me and my mom saw what we think to be the "mothman" here in Madison WI. I remember it clear as day. This was like, 20 something years ago.
    3 weeks later, our entire apartment burned down and a 6 year old girl was hospitalized. She would have died if it wasn't for my uncle.

  6. Heck…we seen this creature (mothman) yrs ago probably back 2004 but we were traveling on this abandoned road one nite to Phoenix Arizona it flew over us its wings were widespread across are vechile…not kidding you my friend couldn't explain it was huge and had longest wings…I didn't belivie it this is a ripleys belivie or not…I was so tired we drove all night long from Denver Co…it was so dark and creepy we just kept driving but my friend couldn't get over it…he really thought he saw hugest creature with wings if I recall he said this creature had brightest eyes that's what caught his attention and he said that thing could damage my vechile but I'm thinking we did hear it thumped us hard but we kept driving toward…we prayed it would stop rocking us back and forth it was doing it forcible…I didn't get a good glimpse of it cause…it vanished quick🍎🍁🍏🍁🍎🍁🍏he's not a friendly creature…he will wreck you like his prey!!!

  7. I I'm in Denver my friend tell me that one night she was sitting outside in the dark because it was so hot inside the house and she said that she saw sorting big flying it was the size of big man she told the story to her family and they laugh so she decided to tell me hopefully I believe her

  8. The elusive Mothman! Straight from the pack Mothman. Flying through the sky Mothman. No attitude Mothman. Feared by the Point Pleasant people Mothman. Up in the news Mothman. The YouTube views Mothman. Frightening the kids Mothman. I gotta say at the time of the 1960's visits I'd like to meet Mothman. See I invented Mothman. It wasn't any Mothmans. I used to love Mothman. I used to love Mothman. I pulled Mothman 2nd edition twice and thought I was Mothman. I wasn't able to pull a third Mothman. What if Mothman made a song about Mothman. Called "I miss the old Mothman", man that would be so Mothman. That's all it was, just a Mothman. The West Virginia folklore Mothman. We still love Mothman. We miss the old Mothman. He will be pulled Mothman!

  9. We'll as you just saw you can't go by pictures and videos anymore.. because of CGI/ digital editing. it's completely ruined it for us all as evidence. and in some cases.. only you will know if it's real or not. same with the UFO subject! I KNOW THERE REAL! but even if I had a video or pic NOBODY is going to believe it because of CGI and the digital age we're living in, a lot of mass manipulation out there.. and like I said it's RUINED it for us all! It's not cool!! for fun and games" likes, views, attention". they all should be prosecuted for it! or get in a freakin cgi contest! because I know for sure 100% some things out there DO EXIST! but I can never ever prove it now or ever because of you idiots! "you know who you are" your only just adding more confusion to the confusion! I hope people can see my point.. because it needs to stop.. since when did we allow mass manipulation to become acceptable!? that's what it is! and people making money from it!

  10. I live in West Virginia and have seen Barred Owls many, many times. There is absolutely no way a person would mistake a barred owl for Mothman! The owl is so much smaller and it’s demeanor is not like what is reported in the sightings.

  11. Is there on big factory somewhere that cranks out video programs about the high-strange sightings of UFOs and cryptids? They have a common thread making me think so. They only titalize with no hard proof at the end of the day. Just for once it would be great if someone had undeniable evidence and proof. That's the shows on this stuff I want to watch. The fun is wearing off as all these deliver a big fat "goose-egg"and stretch their nothingness to heights here to fore unseen.

  12. Joe Nickel in my opinion makes dumb claims about a lot of these cryptids. Like in this one yeah people are over estimating the height during that experiment, but it’s mostly because they are only seeing it for a split second. While the witness accounts actually track the creature for a couple of minutes meaning they can get a clear understating of the height. Another thing, how can you explain all these sightings being taken before tragedies, wouldn’t people have been mistaken if these more often? One of the worst claims he’s done was debunking the Mansi photograph of Champ. While I don’t really believe it’s real, his claim is dumb. He says that a large creature can’t swim in 14ft deep water(that’s how deep the water was in that sighting), but since Champ is described as a Plesiosaur there is a problem. Plesiosaurs can live in shallow water and it’s been discovered they swam up creeks and rivers. The Flattwoods one is also stupid because he never mentions how most of the family got cancer from the supposed gas released by the creature. Nickel makes dumb claims I swear…

  13. Hello from Ohio what you said about the great silver bridge was that it was the cause of cables corroding and breaking that caused it to collapse well I hant to burst your bubble but there were no cables breaking it was what is called an ibar that broke and another thing was that my brother knew that a bridge was about to collapse because the night before he had a dream about it collapsing just like I had a dream about a plane crashing and the next day one did crash


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