
36 thoughts on “Gerald Canavan aka FIGHTING IRISH YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS I FKN SWEAR”

  1. He has his little troll gang running around begging spanners on all the lives so he can push his narrative and control the chat.
    Sean Wayne and the two Shemale accounts, Cara n Jackie work together under various accounts.
    They travel in a pack, Exposures chat last night was full of these Bacons doing the grave robbers work.

  2. Rats everywhere recent one you mentioned flip flop every channel stirring and stirring.Been told numerous times to speak to persons find out for himself and make own mind up.Cant make up my mind if really simple or playing simple and acting the goat.

  3. At first humble he was on the road to getting subs for the beast DH and preaching keeping women kids in high regard, yet he contradicts himself what he’s done to motorsports missus, what he’s put his dead friends family through and literally give fighting trolls an emotional breakdown…. The red flags came quick & fast and to rob & pawn that bracelet off a dead friend is lower than a snakes belly….. thanks for showing this and his time will come…. He hasn’t took accountability and he is a well known grass 👍💯 xx Laura

  4. Big up John and Donna 💕

    Hater’s will always hate.

    It’s twisted bigots like this article ( fighting Irish) that make Rangers fans/Proddies think that this is the norm in Southern Ireland when in actual fact the Irish are a very warm and friendly country.

    I have been to Dublin,Cork, Hospital ( Limerick) Cair, Cashel, Dundrum and many other places in Ireland.

    I watched Rangers hump Celtic in a pub in Cair called the Gallway ( I think), I was cheating and shouting on Rangers, the rest of the pub was shouting for our rivals.

    All through the game the banter was always good humoured and friendly, I ended up sitting with them and wasn’t allowed to buy a drink all day after Rangers scored the first and when I was going home rat arsed they all shook my hand and welcomed be back.

    I have many similar stories of my many, many times in Ireland.

    Sorry for going on but this guy in no way whatsoever defines the people of that beautiful country ❤️

  5. Not sure if u watched the shit pit but they were talking about harlan posting a pic of benjis child online… filmboy was saying how wrong he is, it's disgusting etc.etc.. iposted a comment saying so is it OK for fighting irish to post a pic of my children online. The cheeky c##t big teeth said he wasn't mentioning fighting irish and I was trying to change the narrative 🤣🤣. Then I was blocked. oooppsss!! Are these f##kers scared if him ffs?. I swear never mind Dodgy dave putting him into the ground. If he was stood infront of me I promise you I would stamp on his face. Sending love to you and Donna 😘😘

  6. Wow what a dirty dirty scumbag , try n come over n do something you'll end up not going back over ya fkn throbber , as John said to ye in the video you will pay for it coz you are fkn about with the wrong guys seriously yil end up getting sent back over with yir head up yir fkn arse ya stupid bawbag ye 🖕🏼🤣😂🤣😂

  7. He’s a police grass. Grasses to every force available… n stalks the life out me , gives me verbal wae slutty names , STALKS STALKS STALKS. HES A FAN HES OBSESSED WITH ME IN A BAD WAE ITS VILE N VERY NAUGHTY N STRANGE BUT SAME TIME VERY VERY WORRYING

  8. You Have All Them Friends But You Also Have Really Good Friends In BELFAST N.IRELAND That Will Always Help You Above And Beyond.. Respect To The HUMBLES 💜🧡 I And My People Yes My People Have You And Donna's And The Kid's Back 💯💯💯 So I Say This Again My People Have The HUMBLES Backs Respect 🙏 And Love 💜🧡🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿//🇬🇧

  9. That crime was as cold as ice! Hope a rope eventually ends up around it . I’d gladly hold the rope til it stops tugging. It’s true he’s trying to worm into the Birkitt camp because he knows a spanner only takes a few weeks or less to acquire.


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