George Monbiot EVISCERATES Tory On BBC Question Time

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35 thoughts on “George Monbiot EVISCERATES Tory On BBC Question Time”

  1. Sadly I think they have introduced this Rwanda policy believing it will work as it is stated it did in Australia when Australia introduced PNG Manus Island, Nauru and Christmas Island processing and detention centres – claiming it stopped the trafficking and traffickers making money. It was horrific the amount of time they locked people up for and children became adults in those places.
    What really needs to happen in the UK and Australia is a massive building of houses – Tiny houses they don’t need mansions they need cities built for new arrivals where they start out and then move out to traditional housing as they find their feet in their new country – work, family etc we need these people to work.

  2. the focus on illegal immigration is a red herring, most immigration is legal and has shot up since Brexit, the question should be why? the answer is brexit hasnt worked and our economy and society needs it to function

  3. The Tories have NEVER done ANYTHING for working class people. How anyone can believe them when they claim this policy is good for working class people or they are doing it bc they want to help working class people is beyond me. The tories would love to use this policy against working class people, bet you they would if they could!

  4. The idea that the British people, on the whole, think it's unfair that refugees come here and it costs the country some money is absurd and insulting. The idea that the will of the people is to stop small boats is pure fiction. I'll tell you what people think is unfair, huge energy bills whilst energy companies makes millions in profit.

  5. The Rwanda thing is meant to be a deterrent. Nothing more, nothing less. And yes, it's yet another Tory shit show of which we've had plenty. "Safe migration routes" however are no solution as this whole discussion on migration was never about "letting them in" but rather about how to "keep them out". Looking at EU politics they seem to have a point. In almost all EU countries where Populist right wing governments are in or on the cusp of gaining power illegal immigration is the number 1 issue propelling their rise to the top. Like it or not, a large part of the population of all countries – and this subject is truly international – don't want unregulated immigration without a maximum threshold. Yet it's this maximum threshold that the left never wants to address. When do we stop? If it's a Human right to be put up provided the refugee status has been validated, what do we do when the numbers go from millions a year (now) to 10's of millions a year once climate change sets in in earnest? It's not going to fly. And NO, ex pats "immigrating" to countries like the Emirates or Russians in Cyprus is NOT the same as they pay their way and cost these governments nothing – if anything they boost GDP. I personally think we have an obligation to help them, especially in the latter case of climate immigration as we have caused the problems. But I'm afraid that if these relatively small numbers of immigrants that we are dealing with now can already mobilise such a strong reaction FOR the right what will happen when the "waves" start coming in an increasingly collapsing natural world? We are truly F***ed. We can do the right thing – and end up with European autocracies, or make a pact with the devil and retain half way humanistic democracies.

  6. Re distraction and throwing up dust while ransacking the joint through Covid and beyond, turning Britain into a certified basket case, a lot of folk have missed how the Tories have played out, by degrees, their impending, imminent loss of power. A dipstick followed by someone inheriting and running a shambles knifed in the commotion by a treacherous clown followed by an automaton of insufficient circuitry. Capital and credibility unsalvageable ctsy bottom-of-the barrel Truss is where it gets interesting, with Kwarteng, Patel, Braverman rightly copping gobfuls and now Sunak overseeing final death throes. In conventional Tory terms, these people would be outliers – aspirational upstarts from migrant backgrounds hobnobbing with the Rees-Moggs of the world, yet here they are, victims of their own ambition, blindly, unwittingly left to be remembered as the last hands and faces seen as the ship goes down just so collective memory spares the party's white overlords the blots rightfully theirs.

  7. It doesn't matter what George says. The fact is immigration is just about all the Tories have left – its just a distraction for the hard of thinking from the wreckage the current administration have left behind. 13 years of the Tories and… Child poverty UP 50%, Food-bank use UP 1000%, Homelessness UP 170%, NHS waiting lists UP 70%, Police numbers DOWN 20%, Crime UP 30% – Number of NHS malnutrition cases: 2009: 2,893 in 2019: 8,537 – Number of foodbank parcels given: 2009: 40,000 in 2019: 1,600,000 – Number of homeless children: 2009: 71,460 in 2019: 135,000 – but look over there and blame immigration and the left. Amazingly some commentators are right, people still fall for this dog whistle bullshit whilst their public services are wound down, their wages are less in real terms than they where 10 years ago. But yeah, people still vote for their lives to be worse because they never learn from history.

  8. The Tory policy is modelled on Australia’s that were implemented in the 2010s. In addition to off shore processing, Australia also works with Indonesia and other countries where the people smugglers operate from, and “turn back the boats”. While you can’t isolate which part of these policies is effective and which is not, the number of boats arriving in Australia dropped from hundreds in 2013 to only one in 2014, and only recently has the first boat arrived for several years.

    I write this to question the “the policy won’t work” narrative that this video invokes. Opponents of the Australian policy (of which I am one Australian) said “push factors” would overwhelm “pull factors” when the policy was being introduced here, and the huge reduction in the number of “unauthorised boat arrivals” has proven them wrong.

    These policies are abhorrent but they can be both abhorrent and effective. We cannot just state “the policy won’t work” in the face of the Australian experience.

    I still remember “SIEV X” (suspected illegal entry vessel number 10) decades ago, when over 300 people drowned en-route from Indonesia to Australia. This policy has reduced the number of people drowning at sea.

  9. Very expensive to have all those Tory MPs in parliament. Too much talking and too many cooks. Budget cut. We don't need that many Tory MPs in parliament. The government would work just as well with fewer MPs. I'd fire half of MPs. Save on money and quicker decisions made.

  10. The uk rejects people seeking asylum from a war zone and sends tyem to a potential warzone, Rwanda with the Interahamwe, id go into detail, but with 2020s censorship Britain id be banned from Youtube.


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