Garbage Truck Fails 2022

I forgot what part this is now. But I did a bunch of editing this weekend and have a lot more exciting stuff on the way. Enjoy!


50 thoughts on “Garbage Truck Fails 2022”

  1. It's not so much fails but inconsiderate occupiers overloading their bins, Amd having heavy handed claws on the trucks doesn't help either. Such as staff cut backs, serves them right..

  2. Thanks for posting this video, it’s very educational. Now I know why not all of my garbage is picked up. I’ll start placing my cans a foot apart (garbage & recycleable) and I will make sure to cut up any boxes for the recycling bin. Sometimes the brown cardboard shipping boxes that are set beside the recycling bin are left behind or taken by the garbage truck personnel.

  3. I used to haul trash to the landfill in a 53ft trailer. Sometimes I would have to climb on top to get any debris hanging on the side before I put those wheels in motion.
    Dirty job, crazy start time but it paid very well in my area

  4. It seems like if people had stored the trash properly (not outside a bag like the paper plates or sitting on top of the trash can) there would be much less 'mess' landing on the ground

  5. Half of these fails are the idiots home owners smh they out there cans do close together they over fill them when they need to buy a second can I would just leave it there on the ground so they can learn there lesson

  6. The trash collection company in my area (which is ran by the county) provides 1 custom trash bin specifically designed for the trucks clamp if you need a second 1 you must purchase one from them. You are not allowed any other type of can. They also will not touch the actual trash. If you overload your can you get fined for any spilled trash. Also you can’t put anything but household trash in the cans no metal poles for instance. Sounds kind of harsh, but it works well you don’t see much trash spillage around here.

  7. What an amazingly bad system. It must have taken a whole bunch of highly educated people in a row to get this designed, approved, produced, purchased and persist in using this utterly useless machine.

  8. As a German i laugh about the Joke on the Truck at 5:37 "Think Green, Think Clean". Its enough, when the Truck drives with Gas. But all in one Trashcan. No Recyclingsystem or something. The Bluecan is for what ? Paper ?


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