➤ God Bless!


48 thoughts on “GAMES WORKSHOP JUST LOST!”

  1. Just got my first 3d printer, walked into an FLGS yesterday and only bought paints. Doing the calculations in my head for models vs resin (and I'm using an expensive resin) it's just crazy.

    But to be fair it's not the price that annoys me the most, it's the cleaning of flash/mold lines and gaps. Crazy time consuming

  2. Wait till you see the weebs put their house and kidneys on the line for a 4090 and a 13900K so that they can play "Spaysh Maareen Twoo" on 40K resolution with all settings cranked to ULTRA and cry about FPS hovering at 119 instead of 120.

  3. 20-years ago in Australia, when the hobby was quite obscure here, a set of 10x Tactical Marines cost $30 (AUD). Now that the hobby is much more popular they are $103 on the GW webstore . GW is holding their supply and demand graph upside down.

  4. Like you i started when 3rd edition came out…. why is it so expensive when GW use to say that the resin was going to be cheaper than the metal models. Oh you could get 20 Termagaunts for £16 during the early 2000's

  5. The old plastic Termagaunts and Hormagaunts used to cost around 25 bucks a few years ago for 12 models. Now it's crept up to 40 bucks for 10 models and a ripper swarm.

    The regular codexes used to be around 30 bucks and are now 46 (~50% increase), with the collectors codexes going from 60 to 80 (33% increase).

    The only sensible new release I found were the plastic variants of older finec… models, but even then 40 bucks is too much for a biovore/lictor. Lictor used to cost 21 bucks btw in 2018.

    I dunno, I guess GW goes for the "an apple a day can keep you healthy", but has chosen for macbooks instead of ones from the grocery like us normal people.

  6. I've thrown in the towel and given up wargaming. I just can't be bothered anymore. I watch these vids coz I'm still subbed and just shake my head in disbelief (and then move on ….)

  7. I do not play Tyrannids Orks and Rouge Tau homebrew army are the only xeno army's that I've bought and built. But I love Salamanders, Carcharodons, and Raptors are my main Space Marine army's and I love my Tanks!

  8. I've always understood that 40k was for the wealthy nerds out there. It's always been about flexing what you could afford. Than it was about the fun of the game.

    I'm not gonna lie. I'm glad that it's coming to an end.

  9. I watched one of those hobby podcasts where they were interviewing a former GW employee don't remember the dudes name besides claiming GW is responsible for the the war games the exist now 🙄. He kept saying they don't do anything unless it can make them 100k pounds, so can only think they produce less kits and jack the prices up so they can meet that mark per kit

  10. 115 for the born emissary and that isn’t even that big either, compare that to a knight…
    And sure, a 4K printer and cleaning and UV station and resin costs a bit, also a lot of time, then you need gloves and a mask, sure, but it’ll make good on itself pretty fast with not even that big an army i am guessing, an you can indeed find loads of bits and complete different proxy models, some of which are absolutely awesome.

  11. Dude… I can't understand why people dislike Gamza, the shit talking alone kills me 😂. I wonder if he still plays table top gsmes or if he's too tied up with family and whatever he does for a living.

  12. I don't understand why anyone would buy miniatures at all anymore for gameplay, not just from GW, but from anywhere. I can understand collectables. Instead of jacking up prices they need to find new ways to make Money. Like, write more books, make a non-woke Movie/Series/Games. If the Company dies without Mini Sales then they're doing something very wrong.

  13. Its a loseing tactic to keep increasing prices
    -People will buy less or stop playing
    -Games Stores will struggel or close down.
    -Then even more People leave becaus no place to play.
    -GW then reacts with layoffs and more price hikes to correct the Bottom line.
    Cycle repeats.

    I am amaized how even the gaunts are so expensiv. They are a throw away unit in game.

  14. No defiendo GW porque sus productos se pasan con los precios tan exagerados en algunos caso. PEEERO tampóco se puede decir que tener una impresora 3D sea barato, si o si te tienes que capacitar en algun lado para saberla manejar y sobretodo para hacerle mantenimiento, las piezas de recambio no deben de ser tan económicas tampóco. Además, necesitas un espacio ventilado para imprimir, eso no se puede trabajar en cualquier lado, debes preparar un espacio para eso y eso también $$$. Yo la verdad lo medité si meterme a la impresión 3D pero a la larga me salia mejor por calidad y precio comprarle al Chino que mandar a imprimir en 3D, en muchos casos la escala en impresiones 3D puede dejar mucho que desear. Por eso al final uno va directo a GW vía retailer o con el chino, la impresión 3D la voy a pagar para cosas no tan importantes como reglas, marcos para transportar minis o cosas así, para imprimir miniaturas creo que ya no usare esos servicios de impresión 3D porque yo espero calidad y escala correcta, cosa que es muy complicado recibir al final :/


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