Managing your Fleet – Task Force Admiral Gameplay Feature

Being a Task Force Admiral in 1942 is quite the thrilling assignment! Our game provides you with all the keys to lead your many ships, aircraft and men to victory. In this very early look at the command tools at your disposal, discover how the tactical dimension of command is being recreated to faithfully serve history and allow the player to overcome the many challenges faced by US Navy carrier task force flag officers back in the day!

🎮 Wishlist Task Force Admiral:

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30 thoughts on “Managing your Fleet – Task Force Admiral Gameplay Feature”

  1. I love how the game is evolving and taking shape. 1 quick note thoe : At minute 1:05 when the elevator went down it clipped whrought a zero's tail.
    eddit : i am almost shure that the zero i mentioned showld have had the wings folded. Just a few tweeks and features away from aphpa i guess :))

  2. When I was a child I inherited a Commodore 64 with 2 MicroProse games on it. GUNSHIP and M1 Tank Platoon. These games were the start of my interest in Simulators and Military games. I'm glad the brand is back and sticking to its roots.

  3. Man MicroProse it's really doing some of the best job in the industry when it comes to helping the right people releasing some of the most interesting, ambitious and niche games there are, we all here know that this it's not the general's public cup of tea, but it is awesome that we can get enough people behind the right projects to make it happen!

  4. Looks great, can’t wait to play it! On the other hand, I absolutely can wait for the best, most polished, responsive, and bug-free experience possible, so take your time and get it right — my money and I will be waiting.

  5. This looks so cool! I'm actually reading Twilight of the Gods right now by Ian Toll right now and have been getting very interested in the Pacific Naval war and as a pilot myself I can't help but love the OG carriers and planes like the SBD Dauntless and F4U Corsair

  6. Magnificent work done in Taskforce! It honored the name of Microprose and everyone who worked on this wonderful game. I played the first Taskforce and I'm glad to see you back. It's all very impressive! Congratulations!


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