Galactic Empire Trembles at the Sight of Earth's Ancient Dreadnought Fleet | HFY Full Story

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Wrote myself, feedback is appreciated!

HFY, HFY Story, HFY Short Story, HFY War
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Humans are Space Orcs
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HFY Stories, Short story for sleep, fantasy sleep story


45 thoughts on “Galactic Empire Trembles at the Sight of Earth's Ancient Dreadnought Fleet | HFY Full Story”

  1. How long would it take for a reactor, or multiple to power up? And at least one would have to be on line before any consoles or other systems would boot up. And then weapons spinning up once power was restored to them. But the crew did all this is minutes.
    And in the story it's always Dreadnoughts, plural. So how can the crew from one ship power up and handle several?
    And every time they win a battle and head for earth, next sentence they are in the middle of a battle. And in every battle one ship's weapons tear through the enemy ships as if they were paper. Same descriptives over and over.
    So many holes here.

  2. one can always tell the difference between an original story written by a human author, and an AI word vomit pretending to be a story. The massive repetition of common phrases. only so many times a ship dies like paper or shatters like glass or describing the vaccume of space as the void while their hearts pound with grim determination.

  3. So one earth ship with, it would seem, one crew somehow manned a number (how many?) of super antiquated warships and defeated an enemy fleet with superior firepower and agility. There are holes in this story you can sail a supertanker through.

  4. They were never used, but the hulls are scored from battle?

    Terran tactics would dictate movement in fleets, though a smaller group might be used for a secret mission.

    It takes 24 hours to safely bring a nuclear reactor up to full power, how long to fully power up a ship that large

    They dock with one ship but board multiple ships

    Yeah, not bad bones, but definately needs a human to clean it up.

  5. Enjoyable enough story but confused in general. Them getting the Dreadnoughts from the third planet I assumed it was ancient Earth but then they speak about defending Earth…

  6. If some of you don't like the AI story, why are you here? What's the plan, insult AI into submission? You know it's not going to work, right? You're the guys who made the horse and cart, AI is the motor car. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

  7. I thought while the kalnuri team with volkov was attacking the out post the fleet was going to attack the home world! But all of a sudden their heading back to earth on the dauntless? WTF? get your time lines straight and stick with it! sorry dude nice story fucked by stupid time line skips


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