Galactic Council Betrayed Humans, So We Warned Them: "Run!” | HFY | A Short Sci-Fi Story

Galactic Council Betrayed Humans, So We Warned Them: “Run!”

#ai #story #aliens #hfy #scifi #stories #battle #humanity


17 thoughts on “Galactic Council Betrayed Humans, So We Warned Them: "Run!” | HFY | A Short Sci-Fi Story”

  1. next is the story of
    the human black ops team that quietly removes those that started all this.
    humans i can see being a force for good but i can never see them as saints.

  2. There seems to be a rush of these "Kumbaya" stories at present….
    I wonder, is it one AI poster using multiple accounts, or multiple users using the same AI program to generate them ???
    Not that I want every story to be a blood and guts battle scenario, but the field of Science Fiction is broad enough that so many stories do not have to end in a lecture on togetherness and a group hug…
    This story started off well enough, but started to come apart about two thirds of the way through. The "climax" was definitely suffering from EDS…..


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