Gains remain marginal: Change of plan on Ukraine's battlefield? | DW News

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced another military aid package worth €1.3 billion for Ukraine, that will include four more IRIS T-SLM air defense systems. Pistorius also paid tribute to those killed during the demonstrations on Maidan square ten years ago.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told Ukrainians that 10 years ago, “Ukrainians launched their first counteroffensive” against Russian attempts to “deprive Ukraine of a European future,” referring to the pro-European Maidan protests.


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33 thoughts on “Gains remain marginal: Change of plan on Ukraine's battlefield? | DW News”

  1. Let's see more coverage of the Ukraine conflict please to keep govts focussed on the real threat to civilisation as we know it.
    Israel and Palestine have been killing each other for decades.
    Although this is disturbing, let us not forget that the real war is Ukraine against the Russian aggressor.

  2. was sagt denn der boris zu den drohungen russlands nach berlin vorzudringen? und was passiert jetzt wo ukraine den krieg verloren hat? ich mein uns ist das egal, wir holenb unser öl jetzt über die israel nahost route aus katar.

  3. The purpose of the war, from the West’s point of view, has always been maximizing Russian personnel losses, and that seems to be going really well. Who cares if Russia’s graveyard is someplace called Avdiivka or somewhere else? They’ll never turn back, and they can’t ever get to Kyiv,so the conclusion seems to be obvious.

  4. It's interesting to see the sly leftist slant that DW slips in, Hating Trump, they say he wouldn't support Ukraine, when he gets back in They have never considered that Obama and Biden never gave Ukraine lethal weapons. Obama put Biden over Ukraine negotiations, Ukrainians could not have stopped Russian tanks invading from Belarus without Trump supplying the Javelin tank missiles to them. Like you said,Germany supplied helmets.

  5. This story tells how the west has stopped their illusion of thinking that Russia is weak they're not civilized, the next topic will be Ukraine must come back to negotiation table.
    Remember the west stopped Ukraine to sign the peace agreement with Russia

  6. NATO lost the war from the beginning, thinking that they would brake Russia economically and create a Maidan in Moskau, well it didn’t happen and now we here in Europe have to pay the price with Ukrainian population manipulated from US/NATO cognitive warfare, greetings from Norway 🇳🇴

  7. What`s remaining "marginal" is the view on this war from foreigners. It`s seen as some kind of reality show with ups and downs,bad episodes and good episodes but it`s not, people in EU should get history books and remind themselves about how Europe used to look/feel like in WW2, and this is Ukraine now. Every small win is a win, and without constant support Putin will only go forward, to the west.

  8. The biggest consern and the real reason for the failure of the counterattack is the insufficient training level of the Ukrainian armed forces, rank and file and also at all levels of management. As such, all those technical factors commentators say, are correct, but no technical equipment is of any use if you do not master their operating principles and do not know how to use them in battle. Ukraine's biggest problem is the cooperation of different units and branches. The Ukrainian armed forces do not know how to train troops, how a squad, platoon, or company works, and how to fight as one unit, not to mention how to fight in larger formations. Because of this, the battles at the front are the desperate scramble of small forces. In practice, the Ukrainian armed forces send completely untrained soldiers into battle, that is, if compared to how soldiers are trained in Western countries. There are certain exceptions, for example Azov, assault brigades, which have developed training during the war.

    For example, the operation in Kharkiv, in the Izjum-Kupyansk region was only due to the fact that there were not Russian forces on the other side, but some Donbass rebels and Russian internal security forces. So, completely wrong conclusions about the performance of the Ukrainian armed forces have been drawn in the West from the operation.

    The picture of the destroyed Leopards and Bradleys in Robotyne- Verbove reveals a grim picture of the training level of the Ukrainian armed forces. Also, the talk that the failure of the attack was due to minefields and drones sounds quite unprofessional. After all, those problems were already known before the start of the attack. They should have been resolved before attacking. In addition, the basic thing in tank attack and maneuver warfare is sufficient air support. That was also known, but despite that, a desperate attack was launched. The conterattack should never have been launched until those things were in order.

    Ukraine's war leadership has a completely unrealistic picture of the war. The commander of the armed forces talks about technical superiority, but forgets to mention (in his writing and interview) anything about increasing the operational skills of the officer corps in general and the needs of training of foot soldiers.

    The situation can no longer be resolved militarily from Ukraine's side. And is Russia interested in peace anymore because it would only mean that Ukraine is allowed to equip itself. Russia will probably push in every way as long as possible. So everything depends on Russia's possibilities, whether it can continue the operation. The initiative is slowly moving to Russia. There will be no new Ukrainian counter-offensive, no equipment, no weapons, no ammunition, and especially no trained troops. The main problem on both sides is the lack of well-trained infantry soldiers. That lack cannot be solved with technical solutions.

  9. It’s painful to watch a war loving British to spin the false narrative he helped to spread: Russian army is full of ill equipped, poorly trained and bad prepared conscripts. Also sad and funny to watch the German host naivety: Ukraine still has a chance🥱😬

  10. I think it was much better for Ukraine to have a pro Russian president than lose territory and thousands of people.
    It was not worth at all!
    And why are they talking about Ukraine joining the EU when 20% of its territory is under Russian control!
    The west is simply sacrificing Ukraine to fight Russia


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