Full Replay: SpaceX Launches Second Starship Flight Test

SpaceX is targeting Saturday for the second flight of Starship. The company has received regulatory approval for the flight. The flight will feature the newly added hot staging ring, allowing the Ship to separate from the Booster while the Booster engines are still firing. The stack features multiple upgrades compared to the first flight, including 63 upgrades SpaceX submitted to the FAA to mitigate issues from the first flight. Ahead of the launch, SpaceX will close the road, evacuate the village and surrounding area, and clear the potential blast radius.

Booster 9 will attempt a soft splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico, while Ship 25 will attempt to fly around the earth before performing a reentry and hard splashdown in the Hawaiian area.

Window Opens: November 18th at 7AM CST (13:00 UTC)
Window Closes: November 18th at 7:20AM CST (13:20 UTC)

Mission: Starship’s second fully integrated test flight
Vehicles: Booster 9 and Ship 25
Recovery: No recovery. Booster will attempt soft splashdown, Ship will not and instead will impact the ocean
· SpaceX’s 85th launch of the year and the 6th launch of the month
· SpaceX’s 2nd space launch from Starbase
· Starship will, once again, become the largest, most massive, and most powerful rocket every created breaking its own record.

Forum link: https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=57219.0
SpaceX’s launch page: https://www.spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=starship-flight-2
NSF Starship merch: https://shop.nasaspaceflight.com/collections/starship-orbital-flight-test
NSF Launch Article: https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2023/11/ift-2-launch/

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21 thoughts on “Full Replay: SpaceX Launches Second Starship Flight Test”

  1. Nice stream! Launch sound was shit though. And I've seen other channels show super crisp images of the full configuration of raptors burning a purple flame, so beautiful.
    Perhaps a bit of a rookie mistake to not have someone follow the official stream. If you had, you would have known about the 40s hold having been used… I'm sure you had a lot of people to manage already, but 1 person in your huge team, or just 1 extra person with only that job, could have looked at both streams side by side and manage the mission clock… Perhaps an idea for next time? You'll get better with each time 🙂

  2. I am a vet who has a dog named Jon with heart worms.
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  3. @sanjosemike3137

    I have a solution for the fuel supply problem to the engines during launch. The crafts turn topsy tervy, gas bubbles get into the lines and the engines refuse to re-start.

    This causes the craft to explode.


    Install large pistons in the fuel tanks that are under just enough pressure to make sure that no matter the position of the vehicle, the engines are always supplied with fuel.

    They will take up space and due to their weight, reduce payload. But if the ships continue to explode, there is no Starship.

    Please tell me if I am wrong or if you have a better solution.

    Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)

  4. илон маск становится новым богом ради развития человечества ! я приветсвую своего нового бога ! Elon Musk is becoming a new god for the sake of human development ! I welcome my new god !

  5. Re-watching this a couple of days later. The commentators really had no idea what was happening. "It's working!" just after Stage 1 blew up. Too busy cheerleading to do any factual reporting. Completely misunderstood the sudden venting event at 7:07, botched the loss of engines at 8:03, ignored the frozen telemetry, and skipped that it was way too early for a nominal shutdown. For pity's sake guys, read the mission profile before you pick up a microphone.

  6. Awesome footage! Just curious if anyone knows of any shots from the Mexican side or if they do any views/tours from over there? Or any Spanish speaking views of the launch? Thanks!

  7. Flight Test number 1 failed before staging and missing a couple engines
    Flight Test number 2 every engine worked, the staging worked (even tho they lost the booster) and the starship got into space, very very close to achieving orbit.

    Can't wait for IFT 3


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