Fulcrum Alternative, ~Immortal Magic Find Zombies! The Modern Family.

Zombie Father returns with an almost immortal magic find build with Mahuxotl’s Machination!

This is a fulcrum alternative, very tanky magic find build that can do t16 8k juice abyss maps comfortably.

Use this regex for safety:
“!tal d|f ph|gen|% ma|o bl|ask|s rec|non”

Avoid reflect at all costs.
Also avoid less regen, less armour, less effect mods as those can be very hard in high juice wandering path maps.

Atlas is wandering path with all the abyss, beyond, ritual, and strongbox packsize nodes.

Spectres are written in the video.

Use delve gear for the animate guardian in the pob.


POB is in the Archives (Build version – v3.23.9):

My Butler’s funeral:

Zombie Father Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmph4HhC4Wjp5rGPuSo8kG4-3b4wb3qAw

#pathofexile #poe


33 thoughts on “Fulcrum Alternative, ~Immortal Magic Find Zombies! The Modern Family.”

  1. The only reason I started a character this league was to play this build. I waited for the video update for a long time. And now it seems I will never be able to play this build because of the expenses.

  2. I've been doing mf on my zombies/golem necro in ssf and loving it. Some things I've discovered:
    – no matter the map tier, it seems that my minions need both Decay Ward and Bone offering because of the abyss modifier which ignores physical damage reduction. This is extremely lethal when stacked with another modifier which prevents life gain over 50%, or the modifier which suppresses foe recovery. This extends to my AG and spectres as well, and I did end out having all but my AG wiped after a few weeks of farming, which prompted me to make this change and i have been fine since. You do need both, not one or the other.

    -garb of the ephemeral does not actually make us crit immune. Garb has a fairly small radius, and so if ag wanders off to the right, the monsters on your left can and will crit. Furthermore, even with AG in radius, abyss will just crit you anyway. I think this is because the monsters go into invincibility and then when they come out it's calculating their damage before the garb, I'm not really sure. What I do know is I had 1 map with crit multi map mods and using a regular chest I would immediately die upon entering my portal, this happened 4 times. When I put on brass dome, I was able to clear the whole map. At the time, it was a bunch of abyss golems around my portal in invincibility phase.

    So, my conclusion is run both decay ward and bone offering together. You will be fine for without until you aren't fine without. Also, use Brass Dome, or a combination of Curse Mastery, watchers eye, pantheon, or corrupted implicit on chest to deal with crits. I think you should continue to run Garb on AG to keep your minions alive, and it is extra dps as it counters the slows.

  3. Hello, i blew all my saving to buy +2 minion +1 level flame cloak (39 div) to make my zombie of slamming lvl 28 (lvl 21 zombie [9div] + lvl 4 empower too [i forget] zombie have 47957 life with montregul grasp). I have 1k strength and 400 minion damage, but t7 cemetery with 3k blue wisps rare monster still hard to kill. I'm curious how much is your minion damage on misc tab ?

  4. I wish the minions actually liked worked like the idea of minions like a king in his castle or a…baron perhaps 😊 sending his minions(subjects) out to do his bidding for him (killing monsters) but they’re so clingy and small in number wish we could get more zombies and had a dmg buff or like a summon phantasm could temporarily make monsters into zombies like they work in stories for a short time monsters become zombies but they’re like 95% weaker than your own zombies or a Vaal zombie skill making all zombies demons causing them all to be bigger and poison, because yk zombies… it’s their whole gimmick making more of themselves 😅 like a plague they need to make poison zombies


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