From Shipbuilders To World-Shapers! | Age Of Wonders 4

Difficulty: Brutal
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0:00 Intro & Poll Breakdown
4:28 The Falmari Look Northward
17:11 Second Tier 4 Tome
26:08 The Mariner King’s Naval Prowess
40:11 Morrigan Faces The Touch Of Death
50:25 War Against The Great Enemy
51:30 Tier 5 Tome
56:00 Haven
1:07:10 The Siege Of Kinslyar



10 thoughts on “From Shipbuilders To World-Shapers! | Age Of Wonders 4”

  1. Dragon Lord poll:
    Hello everyone and welcome back to Age of Wonders 4! The Dragon Lord poll is up, so make sure you make to vote if you are interested! I break down the options starting at 1:01, but if you'd like to skip ahead to when the episode begins gogogo to 4:28. This episode was primarily positional, as we march our way to make war against the Great Enemy with a pro gamer move at 50:21. Thanks for watching, and good luck to the four Dragon Lords on the poll! (:

  2. You really should read the descriptions for your trade treaties with the NPC's, not the Free Cities. This isn't the first series where you've thought that trading Magic Materials were a turn based duration. They are indefinite trade treaties. They either have to be broken manually or through a declaration of war.

  3. You know what? I've played a lot of materium and got the earthshatter engines a few times, but i dont think I've ever actually seen them lol. By the point i unlock them combat typically isnt hard enough for me to fell the need to manual. It'll be nice actually seeing what they are like. Also, since you have the terramancy book, if Tremor Ritual come up for research i would grab it. Its my favorite seige project. 6 fortification damage and knocks down all their towers and battlements. Its great. Cant wait to see Sauron fall!


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