From Remake to Rebirth – A Final Fantasy VII Journey

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28 thoughts on “From Remake to Rebirth – A Final Fantasy VII Journey”

  1. During the height of Covid, I found your FFVII remake videos, and have watched all of this content. I remember loving the game in the past, and then it faded as I went on to other things, and stopped playing games regularly. I remember the disappointment that it wasn't on PS3, and then when I heard about it, I was all in. I have loved playing it, and since then, FFVII R and FVII have come to the top as my favorite games. You're playthroughs have been wonderful to go through. I look forward to everyone you do. Thanks for everything you have done over the years. Cant wait to play the game tonight.

  2. I really would love to play a Final Fantasy game because the real-time combat aspect is right up my alley, I just don't know if I could spend hours bashing enemies with awesome melee and magic attacks but barely do any damage. I feel it would wear me out. And that sucks because I really do think I would love these games if I tried them.

  3. Rebirth looks terrible in Performance mode idk about quality cause I can’t do 30 fps but the game has a major lighting issue I also just spent 104$ Canadian on the regular edition and I love ff7 just as much as max

  4. personally i've never been able to really get in to the final fantasy series, i played one of them on the ps2 when i was a kid and had heaps of fun but i didn't finish it, nor could i even tell you which game it actually was. However, seeing videos like this still makes me extremely appreciative that there are game studios and developers putting in the time and effort needed and then some, in order to make their true fans have these types of reactions. I hope one day other studios can take note of this type of devotion to fanbases. Love your work always max <3

  5. You've managed to put into words(and screams) exactly how i think so many people feel about this game. Its absolutely amazing and i can't wait to play more of this masterpiece

  6. I actually found your channel watching reactions to the official announcement of Remake lol
    I had no idea you were a fighting game based channel which ended up being really dope because that's always been one of my favorite genres of games.
    I really wish I could be there with u on this one Max but I won't be fin8shing the game as fast as you and I don't want to see anything until I play thru it first I haven't even watched any of the trailers or played the Demo
    So I will be avoiding the internet and anything FF7 related for at least the next week 😂

    How can Zack be surprised that Aerith is not in the church (Intergrade ending) when *SPOILERS* she already died in his arms ?
    Because the intro of Rebirth is the direct continuation of the ending of Remake. So HOW ?


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