From Our Team To You… | Fae Farm

Meet a part of the hardworking team who helped bring Fae Farm to life. They share a little about what they love most about the game, and how they hope you’ll enjoy it too! Thank you to those who have supported us thus far, it means a lot to be able to share Azoria with our wonderful community. Sincerely, the Fae Farm Team.

Fae Farm is now available for Nintendo Switch and PC. Learn more about Fae Farm:

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27 thoughts on “From Our Team To You… | Fae Farm”

  1. I love the game but would like to request a few things may we have close ups like the trailers show, everything is quite distant, character close ups would be the best, also I've not seen any characters with wings yet and I've played a lot, lots of wings please, also larger dialogue as I think many will struggle with a lot of small reading, also of course big fixes, I love the detail and the music, thank you.

  2. This game has me completely hooked! We are going to have to purchase multiple copies so that my family and I can all play together (they are just as addicted as I am!). Thank you for creating the game we didn’t know we needed

  3. Thank you for your fantastic game ❤
    But I have a request : Would it be possible to add an option to extend the days, please ?
    And a few more unique lines of dialogue for the NPCs?
    It would be perfect ^_^

  4. 🌸Thank you all so much for this amazing game. I've been playing since the release and I can't stop. It is clearly made for the player and so well constructed. Keep the good work, I'll go back playing on the game 🙂 🙂 :)🌸

  5. I really enjoy Fae Farm. What really helps with the playability is the fact that the whole world in detail is not only beautiful, but also is large enough that I can see them on my switch lite, being rather visually disabled the detail and crispness makes it enjoyable to play. The text boxes are a bit small but definitely not as bad as many games, so I just have my switch closer up to read them.
    Though the game at first seems to be confined, it is definitely quite complex and large once one gets past the first few chapters. There is so much to do, I find the price worth every penny as this game is definitely playable for the long hsul.

  6. Love your game, but I have a number of bugs using my Switch.
    The red X won't leave when I go to my Fae home and stays with me for the rest of the game.
    Also, can you unmarry someone?


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