Friday Night Funkin' – Perfect Combo – OMNIPRESENT Mod [HARD]

Literally one of, if not the coolest Sonic.exe fanmade mods I’ve ever played and my GOD was it intense!! Not gonna lie, I was shaking like hell as soon as I FC’d it, thankfully it didn’t take me as long as Triple Trouble, did it on my second try by what I like to call Sheer Luck™, but just the thought of going through 14 minutes again gave me shivers, even if those 14 minutes were incredible hehe. There’s SO much stuff I absolutely love about this mod, the effects used were genuinely incredible and I really liked how some of them were used as a difficulty increase, like how the screen quickly changes with static to other characters while you’re still playing the chart in the later parts, or when it changes from the left Knuckles lane to the right one, it was genuinely so fun to play and REALLY intense! The song itself, my god, can’t even explain how good it is, I still literally cannot understand how someone can make such a long song never get boring and just be insanely fun to listen to all the way through, I’m still listening to it right now, it’s just SO GOOD. This mod deserves SO much attention, definitely up there with the highest quality of mods, it’s just way too fun and you can see how much effort was put into it! Even the chart is insanely fun and very challenging to go through! Very fun mod, had a blast going through it! Hope you guys enjoy!
Link to mod:

0:00 – Omnipresent

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27 thoughts on “Friday Night Funkin' – Perfect Combo – OMNIPRESENT Mod [HARD]”

  1. That was INSANELY impressive dude! The fact the Song actually goes PAST a Million points for your Score if you Perfect it is SO AWESOME lmao, Remember the highest point value you can get in this Game is 350 for a Sick! there's no x-multipliers y'know? 1 MILLION points all just from a scoring system so low, Absolutely insane xD

    Also I can Guarantee you that this Song would be impossible to FC if it had you collecting Rings as well, Or for that matter had some kind of "Extra" Note added in, Like Damaging Notes or whatever, 15 Minutes alone is MORE then hard enough lol

    It's interesting how Faker wasn't here, Nor the "Meme" Sonic's for that matter, But it was still awesome seeing "Most" of the Line-up of the Sonic.Exe all together, What an insane Mod! o/

    I also noticed like at LEAST 16 different pieces of Music in here that wasn't related to the Song, I suppose once your Song passes the 10-Minute mark you gotta make do with something lol

  2. Be honest with this question Flippy, did you feel that Little Man 2 was harder than Omnipresent? And how hard was it to keep calm during BOTH of those songs? Answer whenever you can, no rush.

  3. This goes to show how powerful these beings are especially fleetway and lord X all shifting reality going back n forth n shit…

    And flippy did you just look at this and said to yourself "hm what a nice mod to show my skill"

  4. This is almost a perfect mod but I think the vocals carry this song a bit as opposed to vs Trainer Red which actually is pretty much perfectly balanced.

    The instrumental is good, but it's similar to listening to the last minute or so of Triple Trouble, after a while it's just sort of the same thing over and over.

    That being said when you combine the two you do still have a really good song, and it makes me personally very happy because of its length, long songs are rare in this game, but most have been pretty good except Little Man 2 for obvious reasons.

  5. I like to imagine that Fleetway Sonic has begrudgingly developed a respect for Boyfriend because BF is one of the few beings that can actually keep up with him. I also like to think Fleetway Sonic sorta protects BF from all the Exes as well. Fleetway probably wants BF to stay alive in a self serving kinda way so the two can continue rapping together, similarly to Majin Sonic. He and Majin Sonic even sing the same Chaotic Endeavor leitmotif.

  6. This was one of the most intense mods- purely for how long it is and how many distractions there are PLUS the old filter from sunshine tails- like- WOW- That static bit around the last six minutes on would make me piss myself trying to play the damn thing gkdjfgnd That was amazing overall though- wow!


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