Friday Night Funkin' BBPanzu Threatens "Smaller" Content Creator On Twitter

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Ace Attorney


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Tony D
Regie Bucal
cupcake 345
Michael Afton
ahmad fuad
Lyndan Armytage


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24 thoughts on “Friday Night Funkin' BBPanzu Threatens "Smaller" Content Creator On Twitter”

  1. Why are you even on Twitter anyways Twitter's toxic man get away from Twitter nobody wants to be on that crap they're all toxic Solace tipster he want to act like he's a good guy but he's really not

  2. I just want twitter to be shutdown already it's filled with swatters.doxxers and death threats and these things happen for stupid reason like not agreeing with a ship or just critiquing someones work

  3. I've been in nearly every major fandom since 2007, from Sonic to MLP, Undertale to FNAF, and from Creepypasta to Club Penguin, but I have never seen a community get this bad THIS fast.

    Note that I mean the Friday Night Funkin' modding community, not the base game's community. At this point, the two are completely different, save for a few overlapping creators and viewers.

    Like, it hasn't even been a full year, and the community is already tearing itself apart, double standards are becoming more and more common based on favoritism, manipulation and heinous threats are running rampant, and creators, big and small, are already using their platforms for malicious and dubious reasons.

    At this point, what the community needs is a reset. Just a Mass Exodus, to give the community some time to calm down and reflect on whatever the hell is happening right now. It won't happen, I know it won't. I'm an optimist, but not to the point where I'd give this community's more toxic creators the benefit of a doubt.

    Frankly, if one of those bigger creators outside of the community, like CoryxKenshin, Kubz Scouts, or one of the many commentary channels did cover this whole situation, maybe something would get done, but I'm not going to hold out hope that it's going to happen any time before this fandom implodes on itself like the smash community did.

  4. Ey so I sent you this message in a Twitter DM, and I thought you didn't actually read it, so I figured I'd just post it here if that's alright:

    Hey m8, I just watched your latest (now previous) video over on this very platform. Idk how you're gonna take this, especially after all of the assault you've already taken on the absolute clown-car of a platform that is Twitter, but I, for one, know that you really didn't deserve any of the hate you received. I think you should rest easy, knowing that you were in the right, and that ALL of that happened literally because of someone who could not swallow their bulging pride and just take a more polite and/or passive-aggressive approach towards your other video that you brought up in your latest (now previous) video. Instead, what that "Tony" person did was spark up a riot that he wanted knocking on your doorstep. That is unethical and unnecessary, the way I see it.

    Hope you're doing alright, despite all of this. Just remember that you're not truly alone.


  5. @Spete Yeah at this point all of these toxic individuals have to go like srsly all they care about in life is to just ruin everyone else's lives hell I go as far as saying if anyone DIES from such a controversial act they'll probably still talk shit on them on their grave what do you think will happen then when actual officials get involved in this case over the dead then the living

    At this point "The Corrupted FNF Community" just wants to see the world burn


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