French President still ‘banging on’ about ‘dud deal’

Sky News host Chris Kenny says French President Emmanuel Macron is still “banging on” about the “dud deal” Australia pulled out of to purchase submarines.

“Have a listen to Macron, still smarting, still denigrating Australia, and also giving us a little hint of that renowned French strategic courage by suggesting nobody should upset China,” Mr Kenny said.

“The French President reckons we should build his submarines because they are the ones that don’t worry China.

“Thankfully the Albanese Labor government is having none of this, despite calls from Macron to reconsider.”


36 thoughts on “French President still ‘banging on’ about ‘dud deal’”

  1. So the CCP is deciding what miltiary capabilities the Australians should have ?
    Macron never ceases to disappoint.
    Strange how engineers can be trained to master diesel but not nuclear power.
    I never realised such capability was beyong the australians.
    Especially when being a major provider of the relevant materials.

  2. If you look at it from the logistics and practicality perspective, French submarines are Australia’s only salvation. Of course the Morrison poison pill makes it harder for the emotionally charged folks to accept.

  3. Just another little weenie, whiner, Chinese shill.

    If France will not change course, this world stage pip-squeak will sell the French Farm out from under it's people, in a cheap deal to China, while lining his own pockets.

    Macron just attended the G20, having received his marching orders from Xi, and is now on course in lockstep with his Master.

  4. Well if you cannot stand against china or russia you should step back. If china has a weapon in its arsenal, you need 2 more powerful legitimate ones. (And not Chinese knockoffs) Countries lead with peace through military might not weakness. Does China or Russia seem afraid of Nato? Why Is that? It Joe. That's why. It's leaders focused on social issues as opposed to economy or security. A weak compromised American leader weakens the worlds security. Weak comprised leaders weaken the free world.

    Why france love to kill and terrorizing innocents africans women and children in Mali and west Africa. No more anti black sentiment in Africa…

  6. Macron was clearly under the impression Albanese was going to reinstate Turnbull's dud deal for third rate French subs. Albo's enemies the Tories in power in the UK and Labor left's anti-Americanism might have left him with that belief. Albanese will be aware that from the day Turnbull signed up for the subs the French had been striving to reduce Australian content. All deals with the French are about France first and foremost and I hope Australia never ever again buys French equipment. Should have learned our lesson with the Tiger and Taipan helicopters now being replaced half way through their life by the same US helicopters that lost out to the substandard French ones.

  7. Of course they're trying to get back in by fooling our idiot PM. As a long time Defence Contractor, I am absolutely certain (prior experience here) that this deal would have never happened in ANY acceptable timeframe especially if ANY subs were built in SA and ruined again by union and government interference, the French were rubbing their hands with glee in sliming their way to tripling their profits with endless (contractually legal) design and manufacturing variations, and were laughing at us.
    Morrison, for all his egotistical failures, got this one 100% righty.

  8. One Question, Australia has defended France twice in the last 100 years. France exploded nukes in our back yard and sent terrorists into NZ, would the French help Australia if we needed support?

  9. When purchasing military hardware that has to last 50 years maybe longer then you have to buy the best. Even though we have to wait We're very lucky to be invited to join and purchase these subs. Ask any Australian naval personnel I'm sure they'll tell you which sub they'd rather be under the surface in. Simple.

  10. Australia will realize that it was the one that wanted confrontation with china. Macron was right like it or not. By losing the support of the EU and France, Australia already lost to china.

  11. C'est La Vie, C'est La Guerre, Such is life, Such is War, every french men hates this saying, After all Australia has done for their Country, Saved, Sacrificed this man needs a serious reality check.

  12. Maybe after that $800 million dollar bribe the French were paid as compensation, Macron should shut the f**k up! And who gives a shit about China? Isn't what they are doing in the South China Sea and Taiwan confrontational? Australia will look after our best interests just as surely as Macron is doing for his.

  13. Macron is right this was independent industrial deal Australia will not be building ANY nuclear submarines NONE maybe embroider cushions this was a mistake for australian industrial independence and talent pool but much like the Sydney opera house europeans cannot communicate with you good luck don't hold your breathe and say goodbye to your wallet 😉


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