Freighters Forever Changed! | No Man's Sky 2022

Hello Games has put out some damn fine updates for No Man’s Sky over the years, but this one is especially awesome. Finally our freighters are getting the attention they richly deserve in update 3.94 – Endurance!

No Man’s Sky is an exploration survival game developed and published by Hello Games. … Through the game’s procedural generation system, planets have their own ecosystems with unique forms of flora and fauna, and various sentient alien species may engage the player in combat or trade within planetary systems.

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22 thoughts on “Freighters Forever Changed! | No Man's Sky 2022”

  1. I used to note how my exosuit was improving with upgrades by how far up the two flights of stairs in my freighter I could go before running out of run boost. I always congratulated myself when I could finally run all the way to the bridge. That was back in the day when we had to hike through three miles of snow just to get to our freighters. : P

  2. The new rooms that hold tech are very nice and all, but it's a bit of a shame you can't place individual machines down at all now, and if you want to have a machine you HAVE to build a room for it. Always nice to have more options. On the whole though, this is a great update.

  3. i am loving this update so far, although i think the scanner room with it's ability to scan the whole system you are in takes away the manual planet exploring element. You can now simply jump from system to system and all planets are discovered immediately. I liked, that you really need to set food on a planet to have this officially discovered with your name attached to it. This is kind of a reward to make the effort. Of course you can still do that, but the amount of whole systems being discovered will multiply by a 1000, wheres before in some systems different planets are discovered by different players. This feature will of course make things easier for most players, but for me it takes away a core element of the game. Not because you cannot still do the manual method, just because you don't need to.


    Btw, derelict freighter interior also have a visual upgrade for the goo and effects of the acid spit, and like water dripping from the sacs

  5. It's a nice update but still waiting for when we can build / customize our own ships. I rarely spent time on the freighter and these updates don't change the gameplay significantly.

  6. I'm honestly not a giant fan of this update.
    Both HG and most players I've seen are acting like the ability to use the freighter as a base is a new concept.
    I've had a functional freighter base, for years, that had everything I needed, structured the way I wanted it.
    I'm not completely railing against all changes, but some optimization and a heads-up would've been nice.

    The local teleporters from bridge to ship storage…cool.
    But why is there still a giant corridor that achieves the exact same thing?
    Not only is it tedious and pointless, it can't be removed…and in MY case, specifically…it ruined about a third of my existing structure.
    This is going to cost me time & effort to fix, and I am certainly not deleting the things that remained how I had them.
    Further pointless, to me, is the ability to build outside the freighter.
    I simply have no use for that.
    I understand that for newer players, it might seem fascinating and visually interesting…but it just does nothing for me.
    I will say the ability to teleport between freighter & frigates is a nice addition…although my PS4 account is so OP, that I haven't had a damaged ship, in years.
    So that will only be useful on my newer, PC account.

    The various visual upgrades are fine, but none of them really has any effect on the way I play the game.
    Specifically, the new scanner capabilities are cool, but the asteroid overhaul seems a bit silly, to me.

    I'm a little confused on the addition of living frigates for everyone to find, as well.
    I'm not griping about it, necessarily, as I enjoy their aesthetic, and will be glad to add more to my own fleet, and for more people to have them.
    But why did I bother with the recent Community Expedition, then…for a cape and a decoration???
    It should be more difficult to earn these, in my opinion…or the Community Expeditions should be LESS difficult, overall…or have better/different/more unique rewards.

    I don't think I missed anything major, so I'm done griping now…thanks for coming to my sulky TedTalk.


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