Fousey TALKS about JESUS!


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49 thoughts on “Fousey TALKS about JESUS!”

  1. You call a slave trader a prophet?

    Sahih Bukhari Vol 3 book 47 hadith 765

    Narated By Kurib : The freed slave of Ibn ‘Abbas, that Maimuna bint Al-Harith told him that she manumitted a slave-girl without taking the permission of the Prophet. On the day when it was her turn to be with the Prophet, she said, “Do you know, O Allah’s Apostle, that I have manumitted my slave-girl?” He said, “Have you really?” She replied in the affirmative. He said, “You would have got more reward if you had given her (i.e. the slave-girl) to one of your maternal uncles.”

    Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 14, Hadith Number 68

    Narated By Anas bin Malik : Allah’s Apostle (p.b.u.h) offered the Fajr prayer when it was still dark, then he rode and said, ‘Allah Akbar! Khaibar is ruined. When we approach near to a nation, the most unfortunate is the morning of those who have been warned.” The people came out into the streets saying, “Muhammad and his army.” Allah’s Apostle vanquished them by force and their warriors were killed; the children and women were taken as captives. Safiya was taken by Dihya Al-Kalbi and later she belonged to Allah’s Apostle go who married her and her Mahr was her manumission.

    This is not from God.

    God was prophesied to be born among us 700 years before Jesus's birth
    Prophecy of Mighty God

    Isaiah 9:6
    [6]For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    Crucifixion of Jesus is a prophecied event which was prophecied 1000 years before Jesus's birth and hence makes Quran wrong.

    Psalms 22:16
    [16]For dogs have surrounded Me; The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me. They pierced My hands and My feet;

    May HolySpirit lead you to the truth and real salvation of God and His Son Lord Jesus Christ.

  2. 🤦 Tawheed makes God unrighteous and sadistic.

    So Islam says God created a world filled with diseases, destruction, sin and every filth. Then makes man with a body weak to sin and pleasure rewarding for sinning. Then puts man into hell for commiting a sin often may be a sin that may be necessary to stay alive or to keep a loved one safe or fed.

    But God Himself lives in a place not affected by sin, strife or destruction yet judges the whole universe.

    Question 1. How is this God loving? Would a father put his children in harms way to test their loyalty?

    Question 2. How is this God righteous since He puts man in destruction and temptation while He Himself never once was tested? Isn't this the definition of a dictator?

    Lets look at Trinity. Out of God, His Word and His Spirit, Word of God is made into human for the trial as every human goes through.

    His trial was worse than anyones, since He will judge everyone on the judgment day, He was willed by God to carry the sins of everyone and be pushed into hell. He was killed for His righteousness, yet made sin of all humanity and made to go to sheol.

    And only after the trial (crucification) and ressurection did Word of Gid receive his former glory back.

    Luke 24:26
    [26]Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?”

    That's why we read Jesus was only worshipped after His trail and ressurection.

    Matthew 28:16-18
    [16]Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them.
    [17]When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.
    [18]And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.

    If anyone doubts that Trinity is a church invention then we'll see where is Trinity found in the old testament.

    And if anyone says Jesus wasn't crucified, we'll see thousand year older prophecies than Jesus Himself that prove Jesus was prophecied to be crucified as NT states.

    Please do ask questions in comments.

    May HolySpirit lead you and God bless you abundantly.

  3. Trinity is simple ! Dawah preachers lie that its church invention, but its in OT as well.

    Us humans being body, soul and spirit are one. So is God, His Word and His Spirit are One.

    We share God's characterstics because we are made in the image of the God.

    Genesis 1:27
    [27]So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

    We are made in His image not exact copies, let me remind you that.

    Now the hints of Trinity are present in Jewish texts as well.

    .(Hope you know Jesus is the Word of God in flesh)

    Instance 1
    Isaiah 48:12-14,16
    [12]“Listen to Me, O Jacob, And Israel, My called: I am He, I am the First, I am also the Last.
    [13]Indeed My hand has laid the foundation of the earth, And My right hand has stretched out the heavens; When I call to them, They stand up together.
    [14]“All of you, assemble yourselves, and hear! Who among them has declared these things? The Lord loves him; He shall do His pleasure on Babylon, And His arm shall be against the Chaldeans.
    [16]“Come near to Me, hear this: I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; From the time that it was, I was there. And now the Lord God and His Spirit Have sent Me.”

    Who is this "The First and the Last", who claims to have laid the foundations of the earth and is sent by God and His Spirit?

    Its the Word of God and the verse makes Him God.

    Instance 2:

    Genesis 15:1-2
    [1]After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”
    [2]But Abram said, “Lord God, what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?”

    Verse 1: Word of the Lord appears and spoke meaning its a person

    Verse 2: Abram calls Word of the Lord as Lord God.

    Jesus in New Testament uses this incident dent of meeting Abraham as well.

    John 8:56-58
    [56]Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.”
    [57]Then the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?”
    [58]Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”

    Here Jesus calls Himself with the name of God "I AM" and says He has seen Abraham and it's in Genesis 15.

    There are many other instances but that'd elongate this comment.

    May HolySpirit lead you and God bless you.

  4. Jesus was prophecied to be crucified in OT thousands of years before and fulfilled in the NT. Muslims have been lied by satan and these verses prove Quran is wrong.

    Prophecy of Jesus's by King David.

    Psalms 22:16-18
    [16]For dogs have surrounded Me; The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me. They pierced My hands and My feet;
    [17]I can count all My bones. They look and stare at Me.
    [18]They divide My garments among them, And for My clothing they cast lots.

    Prophecy of Jesus in hell for our sins (Sheol) by king David.

    Psalms 16:10
    [10]For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption.

    Which Holy One is cast to hell if not Jesus who went there for the sins of yours and mine dear brothers and sisters.

    Prophecy of Jesus's crucification and Him carrying sins of many by prophet Isaiah.

    Isaiah 53:5,7-12
    [5]But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.
    [7]He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth.
    [8]He was taken from prison and from judgment, And who will declare His generation? For He was cut off from the land of the living; For the transgressions of My people He was stricken.
    [9]And they made His grave with the wicked— But with the rich at His death, Because He had done no violence, Nor was any deceit in His mouth.
    [10]Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand.
    [11]He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many, For He shall bear their iniquities.
    [12]Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great, And He shall divide the spoil with the strong, Because He poured out His soul unto death, And He was numbered with the transgressors, And He bore the sin of many, And made intercession for the transgressors.

    Dear brothers and sisters, turn away from the fables, Lord Jesus Christ was prophecied to be crucified thousands of years before His birth so that no soul could deny the sacrifice of the Holy One. God bless.

  5. As a Muslim he’s right but he’s having a mental break down as usual reminds me
    Of mo deen these guys talk about Islam but influences the devils teaching in all his videos

  6. i dont believe in any religion … people make religion .. not god .. God is only one nd will be one .. God has no religion .. people make religion .. sikhism , hindusm , christian , islam ll this created by human beings .. we r fighting , we will be fighting about which has no meaning … just believe in god .. that fighting of religion will never be stop .hope one day we will be all ones .. its dream 👍🏻its my knowledge .. pls dont judge anyone

  7. Saving Jesus (as) from the cross
    Christians: "We love jesus the most."

    Muslims: "oh Really? So what would you do if you were in the time of Jesus pbuh and witnessed him being hanged on the cross with iron rods hammered trough his limbs while he screams and cries in pain. Blood dripping down his body while he begs God "Eli Eli lama sabaqtani"???"

    (Matt 27:46 and Mark 15:34
    "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?") Jesus begging God to be saved from death while on the cross like the bible says.

    Christians: "We would sit there and watch joyfully as Jesus gets murdered on the cross as our guarantee to heaven is now attained. We just accept that he went trough that excruciating pain for all of us."

    Jews: "Don't look at us. We are the ones murdering Jesus on the cross (according to christians). So we actually agree with the christians themselves that Jesus should be murdered. Its good for us jews so we can grt rid of him and its good for the christians for their salvation."

    Muslims: "You let your hero and your saviour die a gruesome death while you watched on. Do not ever try claiming again that you love Jesus pbuh!!!
    No christian nor any jew would save Jesus pbuh. Both christians and jews want Jesus dead and crucified!

    We muslims are the only ones that would save Jesus pbuh by fighting for him and giving our lives to safe him from crucifiction. We are the ones that love him and whom he loves. We are his true followers and recognise he is a prophet sent by God with miracles to prove he is indeed sent by God like all prophets performed different miracles before him."

  8. In the Bible Jesus worships the Father(God/Allah) and teaches us to worship only God.
    Mark 24:36
    But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the Father only.
    -Only God is all knowing, Jesus is not God and does not know the hour.

  9. Jesus was definitely not a ruler, that is a clear and inaccurate statement, the jews literally rejected him because he was not a ruler and because he was a spiritual leader.


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