Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Mass with Fr. Mike Schmitz

Join Fr. Mike Schmitz as he celebrates the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time at the University of Minnesota Duluth.

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🙏 See below for the Act of Spiritual Communion:

My Jesus,
I believe that You
are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.



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🔸iTunes: Fr. Mike Schmitz as he celebrates Sunday Mass at the University of Minnesota Duluth.


23 thoughts on “Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Mass with Fr. Mike Schmitz”

  1. The speed limit is the maximum speed that you can travel. Not the designated speed needed to travel. Heaven was trying to teach you patience. Yeah, i hate it too when HE does it to me.

    Nothing is a coincidence. The Heavenly Father allows or makes happen. Few see the crosses handed them. A chance to move closer to Him. When carried in His Love.

  2. The greatest aspect that few see and seek. Am i really doing the Will of the Father, now? What does denying yourself and others really mean to you? What are seeking when you do something? To find Him or others?

    Remember Jesus lost in the Temple? What Temple are you really seeking within you?

    His Will is never what you desire, child. Honest as Hell, on fire.

  3. I love the irony that Fr Mike speeds up his movies and utubes…. I recall some people criticizing the speed at which he speaks, and they were advised to slow him down….😁
    Thank you, Fr Mike, for all that you do, and for keeping it real.

  4. Thank you for this, Father Mike🙏🏻♥️ it has been on my heart to get away from social media, especially tik tok. You’re completely right about the mindless scrolling, and that it takes time away from God. I’ve realized that in feeling like I need to get valuable info from there, hours pass and it’s definitely an addiction. And im 29, I can’t imagine how the addiction must be for the kids in our society. I remember when I was young and would read books, and enjoy life with so many memories, before social media was a thing.
    Those were the times when the “yolk was easy”. I believe Jesus is calling me back to those simpler times, to rid myself of the pressures that I put upon myself in keeping up with everyone else (social media). Please pray for me that I’m able to detach, and hear God’s voice in my life. I want to follow and find rest in Him🙏🏻

  5. Fr. Mike, the notion of hurrying per se, has such a secular sense to it. But within the context of Christian spirituality, my thoughts turn first to what Our Lord asked of us, aside from the Ten Commandments. He asked us, above all, to love one another. I believe this is our greatest loss when fall victim to overcommitting our time. We cease to truly see the people in front of us, and we surely don’t see the Lord’s presence in them. We stop taking the time for kind words, even of casual thanks. Many a day has been turned around by the exchange of a few pleasantries that indicate your appreciation of the cashier standing before you. Our Sainted Mother Theresa once said that “Peace begins with a smile.” It inspired me to run a program in our parish elementary school about the contagiousness of a simple smile. It was so heartwarming to see how readily the children grasped this notion and carried it home with them. I believe it was the very same love that led to the famous, although localized, cease-fire on Christmas during WWll. The goal that drives us is critical. Without orientation outward, toward love of God and love of others, I don’t think Christian spirituality naturally follows. Slowing down in hope of enhancing personal joy with the Lord seems too self-oriented. If one begins with an unselfish goal, hoping for a personal reward seems counterintuitive. Wouldn’t true Christianity hope to improve the lives of others? That would better meet the Lord’s request that we (take time) to love one another. Any other graces are gifts from the Lord because He is pleased with us. I don’t believe we can make a bargain such as you proposed. I apologize, Father, you know far better than I, but this didn’t sit comfortably with me. Probably no one will read it anyway, since I am writing so late. It’s in the Hands of the Holy Spirit.

  6. Abba Father please have mercy on the soul of Bobby Driscoll. Please grant him eternal rest. Please give him the grace to enjoy peace in Heaven. Please Bless Bobby in the name of Jesus Christ..Amen

  7. Please pray for my son jimmy struggling with alcoholism and loneliness please dear God that he cooperates and get help please he is suffering that he forgives me for turning him so he could help this has been more than hard Iam so afraid for him I believe in God and I still pray

  8. I am sorry Father, but your “spiritualized” excuse for your tatoo, has not convinced many, many people. Especially the many who hope you will never compromise even if you consider this sometging small. It is so easy to justified something you wanted to do, but has created a lot of confusion, especially in the youth

  9. Thank you Fr Mike 🌟
    The goal of Christian life is union with God.

    Jesus would trust God is every moment of his life God is here,
    Every action God is here,
    And when things are not going the way they should go God is here,
    If it is time to act God is here.

    Trusting in God in all the seasons of our life renews our hope and courage.

    Hope is willingness to act
    But courage is the ability to act in midst of difficulty.

    Jesus is rooted deeply in the Father's love, he knows that every moment and everyday he is the Father's son.

    Happy moments praise God Difficult moments seek God
    Quite moments worship God Painful moments trust God
    Every moment thank God

    When we pray we speak to God and when we read the Bible God speaks to us📖

    Jesus wants from us to enter in his rest and enter into his Joy🌻

  10. The Maya calendar began a new age in 2012 ,not the end ,(new count)new age ,new time .

    Understand that there is much you do not know , i know that i know enough to know that i don`t know all .

    you as i learn as we go , goodspeed ! i love you all and it takes at big toll on to me ,all these extreme feelings i sense all the time of love and dispair for good and bad .

    and if have too apare steadfast to not show too much emotions of my feelings .

    we are all beeing wathced by the wathcers

    lightworkers are working around the planet working in the dark to serve Light .

    the lightships are deployd and arriving /hiding in plain sight Arcturian lightships

    Pleadian lightships christian lightships Assyrian Lightships (Federation) +++

    Beware of false gifts and broken promises,Much pain but still time, belive there is good out there .We oppose Deception,

    conduit ,close.

    (Crab code ) old message! better now .

    men of Khem, Acended Masters /theachers / it is not hard too choose side when you know what is right or good

    00:59 14<5

    im writing this on pure intuisjon for all too see . our job is to do a good job .this is our choice.

    civilisasjons cities has come and some has perrished by their own hands and some followed the path of pure evil and pain ,

    Colombus was shepared into land by a baal of light to show them the new world ,

    the Spanish flu appeard suddenly at the same time/day Continents apartwhen no man could travel these distances it would have

    taken a week at the minimun at this age of time to travel. these were difficult times now its time for the new world order.

    CE-5 Ground crew, wali noor, lightworkers angels kjerubes arcangles , we have had many names in diffirent times in diffient locations

    as above so below as within so without .

    Have much love laughter humor fun tolerance to eachothers these are good to enhance for your own benefits.

    01:24<7 Grand Arkitekt/designer/creator /God/Alfa omega /Allah +++

    01:25<8 Infinity

    01:26<9 core ni nine .

    Use this now!AI AI * Trismigistus .

    01:29< 12<3 .***

    Love you all Agaape .


    Grandmasters unite for our divine cause ,for your love and light for all too see and feel.(Alltid beredt!)Anderson law



    01:44<9. +++

    Opp alle kongens menn . REX.

    Happy 4 july ! 02:23<7

    show this to the russian duma /pope +++ 02:26<1 unite with love and a golden age shall arise.

    05:55 <15<6<156<12<3

    i am in mild shock and awe over the reality that is upon us all too see and bee blessed with the light of a new bright age

    and full of love and undestandig to my peers . without dispair in some form in your life you can not appreciate good things ,because you have nothing to compare it with and therefore you will love even more and appriciate People and life to the fullest , Jacobs

    latter is not an easy one to climb always ,becouse your path may not go in a linear or straight path .depends on you and your way

    free will willing you along these exsperiences, for you to achive higher learnings .the impossible just takes longer.

    Light shall and will always prewail over the wail of false justice and dark energies .loerv Yours *

  11. "Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset."
    — Saint Francis de Sales


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