Fortnite OG is HERE

Fortnite Chapter 2 OG is HERE… Thank you for watching! Want to talk to me? Or maybe play Fortnite with me? JOIN THE …


42 thoughts on “Fortnite OG is HERE”

  1. Pbj I like your theories but you keep saying we went back in time before the island was flipped but that completely messes up the fact that Midas was sent to Hades, if we reverted chapter 2 to before it flipped Jones would not be older but younger. We did not change the timeline in chapter 2 for any way. Idk how we are going back to chapter 2 cuz it was obliterated (my favorite chapter why epic whyyy) Ok thats all sorry for long comment lol

  2. No one care about chapter 2 much as chapter 1 it because the game was fun and more people playing and even tv shows talk about Fortnite they said they will bring chapter 1 again but really like chapter 1 they say it cuz they know no one will care that much if they made it again that when most of the players quit in November Fortnite account say it so no one care 😊

  3. I have noticed a lot of content creators unable to pronounce Greek names correctly. Thecampingrusher is unable to pronounce Harbinger correctly. I normally wouldn't care. But you are making videos for people. A little research goes a long way.

  4. My theory
    Megalo don says in his loading screen that he has a Leviathan
    There are a lot of possibilities of what could be inside the bunker
    1- the Leviathan
    2 – Doctor Slone
    3- The Zero Point
    4- Magneto
    5- Fantastic 4 or xmen
    6- Dr doom
    7- It could be a super weapon to defeat the leviathan
    We're having another marvel season later this year, which means the marvel characters will help to defeat the leviathan in the end of season 3, and in season 4 it will be underground, slone and marvel heroes vs doctor doom
    In the end event, we'll see dr doom sending the island to a future time
    I think the island is chapter 2 right after the bigbang, and the real chapter 2 island is chapter 5 lots of years later
    Same thing to chapter 6, past version of chapter 3

  5. When you were talking about how the map might flip over, makes alot of sense since back in season og we had a alternative version of the end event, and since the last season is season og 2, we might get a chapter 2 og end event also where the map flipped that revealed chapter 3 and if so, it will reveal chapter 6 (remember just a theory)


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