Former intelligence official breaks silence on gov't UFO investigations

Jay Stratton is one of the United States government’s highest-ranking and most experienced UFO hunters. During his long career working with various intelligence agencies, Stratton might have seen more of the Pentagon’s hidden UFO files than anyone. He is the only person in the federal government to have worked directly on all three of the most recent UFO programs, including one based in Las Vegas. Story:


27 thoughts on “Former intelligence official breaks silence on gov't UFO investigations”

  1. This is just so laughable. Yes and yes theres top notch amazing flying objects that the public doesn't know anything about..But it's us. We humans r and have ALWAYS been behind it. He says he can say more but he can't. What a bunch on bolognie. We r that smart. We have been inventing amazing sh*t for a very long time.

  2. Misdirection is what this is. They know exactly what these things are or they would have fired on them when they didn't "respect their authoritye"(in Eric Cartman's voice). The objects are either US owned or owned by someone that even the US gov't won't F with.

  3. Oh please, this has been going on for thousands of years. We most likely aren’t the first people on this planet. There is so much evidence of this but the governments keep it from the public. I personally think this is a way for them to finally break the truth to the public.

  4. evry one knows ufo technology very uper than fighter jet and missle technology
    plz cut the bullshit!
    its a pentagon cenario for millitary defence money and propaganda
    ufo stay to hit missiles! :()

  5. 🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘Stop worrying about these distraction balloons and ufos. These are just coverups for the train chemical explosion that will cause acid rain. These balloon and ufo videos have 500,000 views while the Ohio train derailment videos have 1,000 . Nobody seems to be worried about the deadly chemicals that are now in our air we breathe

  6. What u think u know u don't ,what's real isn't it's not what I think it is reality I's all something very different I was born many times and I'm very good at change ailens please there's 140 different ones living here now ,and that's not the one are government made in lab and they have crossed man

  7. All BS nonsense lol!!! Here's what's happening here, the Government etc.. use our tax dollars to fund these stupid military experiments and then they create these fake UFOs and make these stories from the damn experiments their experimenting on lol Everything about our current existence is nothing but a damn scam to keep us all distracted.

  8. HEY! EVERYBODY! LOOK OVER HERE! pay no attention to the unredacted Epstein flight logs being released, or the toxic chemicals spilled in ohio and arizona. THERE ARE ALIENS AMONG US, AND WE HAVE THE LATEST ON THE STORY. WERE EVEN SPEAKING TO SOMEONE WHO USED TO BE ON THE INSIDE.

  9. They know that GOD did not create aliens, they are demons (fallen angels) just like ghosts, bigfoot, ufo's, black eyed kids etc. Born again Christians have the authority to rebuke demons in the name of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST! How to become born again: thank JESUS for paying for your sins on the cross and HIS resurrection on the 3rd day!!! It must come form the bottom of your heart and don't forget, JESUS is GOD, see John 1! Don't ever contact demons and don't give them a foothold = don't have occult objects and symbols in the house, destroy them. Please do your own online research. Listen to LA. Marzuli and pastor Tom Horn on the alien deception of the end times.

  10. I feel like china wants us to shoot them down and bring them some where and it’s either a target spot for a missile or something that releases something in the air after it’s shot down. Just taken everything in to consideration. Bc no one ever really found out what they were really doing experimenting with Covid-19…chemical war not nuclear.


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