Forget Mars, Here Is the Best Planet for Colonization

Hold onto your cosmic dreams as we explore a new frontier: Forget Mars, Here Is the Best Planet for Colonization. In this video, we’ll journey beyond the red planet to unveil the celestial body that stands out as an ideal candidate for human settlement. From habitable conditions to the challenges of interplanetary colonization, join us as we navigate through the cosmos in search of the ultimate destination for humanity’s future expansion. Watch now and discover why this overlooked planet might be the key to our interstellar future. πŸš€πŸŒŒ

#brightside #brightsideglobal

0:01 Next planet for colonization
09:08 Mars is planning to destroy its moon
26:24 Living on Mars
43:13 New planet spotted

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4 thoughts on “Forget Mars, Here Is the Best Planet for Colonization”

  1. I think that Mars & Earth are like twin planets. But when Earth is blooming like it has been for hundreds of thousands of years. even before the dinosaur's were on Earth. there was life on Earth even before the dinosaur's, that were 99% all killed of from a meteor that hit Earth & that was the last mass EXTINCTION on Earth from a life ending meteor. But there were several before that & life always came back after hundreds of years & there were mostly ocean life & some land animals. but humans were not around till much later. but Earth has had life for a long long time & I think that Mars is the same. that mars is the twin of Earth. but when Earth is active in any faze of any life on it. I feel that Mars is in it's cycle of rebirth. So they are 100% twins when they are blooming like Earth has been even before humans. Then the Earth is in the same pattern & landscape & everything that we have on Earth & yea they do not have air 2 breath right now or water on the surface that we know. & no we have not seen anything that makes Us think that there was life as we know it ever on Mars. But would if they were even just say 21 to 2 hundred Years more advanced than Us i am sure they had all of what we do & sky scrapers & homes & everything we have. But they most likely made the same errors we have over all these years & are 75% responsible for why our planet is having so so many problems now & you can not say that if your 50 now & live in any new England State in the USA like NY , CT , Mass , new Jersey , new Hampshire , Maine & all the other parts of the country that has a 4 seasons in there Years SPRING , SUMMER , FALL , WINTER I;M 50 & HAVE LIVED IN ct MY WHOLE LIFE SAME CITY & UP TILL i WAS LIKE 20 ISH WE ALWAYS HAD THE 4 SEASONS EVERY YEAR WITHOUT FAIL. BUT NOW IT GOES FROM WINTER RIGHT INTO A SUPER SUPER SHORT SPRING & THEN 1 DAY ITS GOES FROM THE 70'S TO 80 TO 95 DEGREES & THEN SUMMER IS HERE LITERALLY OVER NIGHT & THEN IT GOES FROM SUMMER & BEING LIKE LOW 80'S RIGHT TO THE 40'S & DOWN & THEN THE LEAVES ARE NOT EVEN OF THE TREE'S YET & WINTER IS HERE IN FULL SWING. WHEN I WAS YOUNG I REMEMBER IT SNOWING 10 TO 12 TIMES A WINTER THAT WERE MORE THAN 6FEET & SCHOOL DIDN'T CLOSE BACK THEN JUST FOR 4 OR 5 FEET SO WE STILL WENT BUT GOT OUT EARLY IF IT STILL SNOWED. BUT POINT IS WE WENT SLAY RIDING & all THE KIDS WOULD MAKE HUGE CASTLES WITH FRIENDS OUT OF SQUARE PLASTIC THINKS & WE HAD A WHOLE NETWORK OF ROOMS & TUNNELS WE WOULD GO THROUGH & SOME WERE 8 TO 12 FEET UNDER THE SNOW. BECAUSE THE PLOWS WOULD PUSH ALL OF THE SNOW TO THE SIDE OF ALL THE HOUSES SO WE HAD A BLAST. i HAVE NOT SEEN SNOW LIKE THAT IN YEARS. Plus i haven't seen the 4 seasons in years & yea I'm fine with the small amount of snow we have got in the last several years. But it just goes to prove my they that we are helping kill our own planet & i think the people on mars did as well & i think that there is nothing to see like buildings & proof there was life there at some point. I do not think anything is there at all. NOT BECAUSE THERE WAS NEVER LIFE ON MARS IN THE PAST. BUT MAYBE THEY WERE HIT WITH A MASSIVE END OF TIMES SOLAR FLARE & THEY JUST KEPT COMING STRONGER & STRONGER. IT WOULD WIPE EVEN THE MOST SECURE STRONGEST BUILDING UNDER GROUND BUNKERS TILL THERE WAS NOTHING BUT 100" ALL ASH THAT JUST BLEW IN THE WINDS FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. BECAUSE FROM WHAT I SEEN IF THAT WAS TO HAPPEN THAT EVERYTHING WOULD JUST TURN TO ASH EVEN STEAL & TITANIUM WHICH IS THE STRONGEST MEDAL IN THE WORLD THAT I KNOW OF. So i think in several thousand years that Earth will go into its last & final faze & that's when i hope they have somewhere to go & take people & not just people who are rich or are in government. like who the hell thinks that KIM KARDASHIAN OR ANY OF HER WEIRD SPOILED LITTLE RICH FAMILY MEMBERS EVEN THINKS THAT THEY WOULD HAVE ANYTHING TO HELP THE HUMAN RACE IF WE HAD TO TAKE PEOPLE THAT CAN DO THINGS NOT THE STUPID CRAP THEY DO & YEA THEY SAY WELL IT IS PEOPLE LIKE THEM THAT FUND THE MONEY TO GET PEOPLE TO SAFETY. WELL I AM SURE IF THINGS WERE THAT BAD THAT MONEY WOULDN'T MEAN SHIT ANYMORE & IF IT DID I AM SO SO SURE THE GOVERNMENT CAN JUST TAKE MONEY FROM ANYONE THEY WANT IF 75% OF THE PLANTS LIFE DEPENDED ON IT. SO YEA I VOTE THAT THEY LEAVE THAT WEIRD FAMILY WITH THERE DADDY OR IS IT MOMMY & MOMMY NOW WAY TO CONFUSING TO ME & IM BI SEXUAL. BUT yea i think we are twin plans & so far we run on 2 different cycles. maybe there was life on mars when the dinosaurs were here well never know. but if they are or were the same as US in most ways like looks & had the same type of ways we both lived. it would be great if they were in sync with each other & we can go back & forth from Earth & Mars & they'd both be 2 big blue balls with oceans thriving at the same times. i do not think any of US even a baby that was just born 10 minutes ago & lives a long long full life till the age of 120 years would even live long enough to see any of that happen. we will all be long long gone & not remembered by anyone. so i truly hope being b rout up a catholic & what i was taught as far as when you die you go to heaven & that God forgies all & ive done some not so nice things thought my life but not anything that 99% of the rest of the world has done. so if there is a heaven or hell i am positive that i will be in heaven. I just hope that ill see all the people i loved & cared about for ever & id love if we could not interfere at all but just be able to see or just know that there is life on both Earth & mars & are learning they errors from the past. sorry 4 the long boring

  2. Ceres and Ganymede can be important to support space exploration mostly for food, water, hydrogen as fuel and other stuff. But Ceres distance, size and weak gravity are serious problems that will prevent long term habitation. Perhaps an automated colony, Mars on the other hand has much stronger gravity and has lot's of area to develop colony, lava tubes etc. lots to explore and discover important materials. And most important is much closer to Earth.


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