Florida Residents Sound Off on DeSantis-Disney Feud

‘Pissing match’ and a ‘waste of time and money’ — Florida residents weigh in on the ongoing feud between Gov. Ron DeSantis and Disney World
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39 thoughts on “Florida Residents Sound Off on DeSantis-Disney Feud”

  1. DeSantis is doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. You should never give a single corporation so much power. But DeSantis is such a despicable man that people are cheering for Disney.

  2. He spends more time using tax payers money, passing bills to hide it, leaving them high and dry during storms and coming for Mickey. No one had a problem with Disney before only because they disagreed with him. Sounds like he is a petty patty.

  3. So De Santis goes on NEWSMAX and I quote. Since we took action against Disney WE HVE NOT HEARD A PEEP" What a way to admit that the objective was to curtail their 1st amendment rights! Could the guy actually be any dumber? Of course it's not his own money he is blowing in court! The sad case is that it's Biden Covid stimulus money. Good lesson for Democrats about shoveling money to the states!

  4. Being republican is supposed to be smaller government, lower taxes, and pro business. If HOA can self regulate, why can’t Disney do the same by the way Disney is bringing a lot of tourists and hiring locals

  5. Desantis is really trying to play this “I’m against woke” card coming off as the racist he is. All of his attacks have nothing based in a better economy. The only reason he’s going after Disney is because he claims they are “woke”. If you know the origins of the word you’d know this is straight up racist like the rest of his agenda. But I’m sure the closeted racists will gaslight you into trying to tell you why it isn’t

  6. Desantis started it. Only bec disney supported lgbtq+ rights. That's it. Why make a mountain out of a mole hill? He must be up to something else. Maybe take over disneyland?? Omg. I can feel the evilness. Something's def up. And he's gonna do it under everyone's noses. Mark my words. I'm sure it's about money & power– it's desantis we're talking about.

  7. Where did this pole come? From where they put the same as the head there’s no way just like the election. He had his own special police that counted his votes. We would really like to know who really won.

  8. The state made their bed when they let him for a second term.
    Charlie Crist wasn't the greatest option, but he would have been infinitely better than this man-child who throws his toys whenever he doesn't get his way.

  9. I believe that Disney is actually considering investing money in another state probably Texas. If Florida voters don't want Disney, then they should move. They already have land in Texas and are putting out feelers. Hateful, racist Floridians might have a future surprise from Disney and from their tax bills.

  10. Floridian here. Didn’t vote for DeSantis and I don’t agree with his fight against Disney but I am a state worker and he’s given us a very nice pay increase and there’s another 5% increase coming in July. So nearly 100k of us are getting a huge pay bump bc DeSantis became governor. It’s just important to know there’s more to him than what the media focuses on.

  11. Actual republican:: Government isn't the solution, it's the problem!
    Cult based Whackos: If my guy singles out a company and wants to be petty and seek revenge against their 1st amendment rights, then so be it!

  12. So is Disney abusing their power and is not provoding for rhe State of Florida….money and jobs?! Isnt Dumbsantos the one ABUSING his power….how come nobody is taking away his power?

  13. When you interview people who dont know the situation 🤦🤦🤦 how pathetic is that. Disney started and deSantos will end it. Point blank.

  14. Desantis, and republicans have no policies, besides cut taxes for the rich, all he has are these lame culture wars stirred up by bigots and racists like himself, republicans hate freedom and are trying to tear down our institutions so they can have one party rule, like the fascists they are.

  15. The next time a building collapses, or hurricane destroys part of Florida ,DeSantes should stop crying like a baby and asking Biden and the federal government for financial help. After all there is no such thing as climate change, right Ron


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