Five Parsecs From Home is back!

A new season of Five Parsecs From Home begins as Captain Reiko and here crew narrowly escapes the Celonian invasion of Caladan IV, only to fall into yet another cauldron of trouble.

Welcome to a new story set in the Veiled Space universe with this campaign introduction episode!


Join JMBeraldo in another experimental way of telling a story by using the random generation of the solo miniature wargame Five Parsecs From Home, and a lot of unexpected dice rolls!

This story is set in the science fiction universe of Veiled Space, in which Humankind is just another of the dozens of decentralized alien species considered too primitive to join the mighty League of Worlds.

More about Five Parsecs from Home at


Alien art by Felipe Martini (, Renato Leite ( and WOLFSBANE (

Terrain DIY by JMBeraldo.

Miniatures by Loot Studios (, Reaper’s Bones, Star Wars: Legion & Armada, Bandai, Mythic Games’ Monsterpocalypse, and lots of kitbashing using assorted parts.

Music by John Leonard French (


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