Five Incredible Women Sing Superwoman Together#fantasia #pattilabelle #jenniferhudson

In this heartwarming video, five incredibly talented women come together to sing the empowering anthem “Superwoman”. Watch as they harmonize and showcase their vocal prowess in this powerful performance that will leave you feeling inspired and uplifted. From soulful solos to powerful group vocals, these amazing women come together to deliver a truly unforgettable rendition of this iconic song. Join them on this musical journey and witness the magic that happens when five incredible voices unite as one. Let their talent and passion for music inspire you to embrace your inner superwoman and conquer anything that comes your way. Don’t miss out on this must-watch performance that is sure to leave you in awe. Be sure to like, comment, and share this video to spread the love and talent of these amazing women to the world. And don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more incredible performances and inspiring videos. Thank you for watching!


13 thoughts on “Five Incredible Women Sing Superwoman Together#fantasia #pattilabelle #jenniferhudson”


    When you need time to think, sort out some things: My suggestion to you, is to "Let JESUS take the wheel." Even if it's briefly! Give HiM a chance! You have nothing to lose except the worst part of you and everything to gain, a new & improved you.
    Riding shotgun with JESUS is a privilege. Just let HIM take over. You can see down the road from a much clearer and more attentive perspective but whatever you do, dont use the rear view mirror too often. That's when you subject yourself & other people to cause an accident. Sometimes critical or serious but it could be avoided if you give it to JESUS and just trust HIM. We're all human, sometimes accidents are inevitable, no matter how careful you are. That's what we call "trial & error"! Learn from it! Depend & rely soley on JESUS. HE always knows what's best.
    I've benefitted greatly every since I let JESUS take the wheel. No complaints whatsoever because I trust & have faith in HIM!
    HE reigns!

    "Created by design & called for a purpose"

  2. AMEN ‼️ 💜Sending up prayers for you.🙏🏽Although prayers are answered collectively, your prayers are just as effective as theirs but by you praying to FATHER JEHOVAH (ps. 83:18) yourself is taking the initiative at building a relationship with HIM. Make sure that you maintain this FATHER/child relationship (ps. 82:6) before and after HE blesses you ‼️Keep it 💯 because HE can read you like a book ‼️ AMEN and have a blessed day‼️ 🫂
    In the name of 👑 JESUS 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


    When you open your mouth to judge a mother, bite your tongue first.
    Pregnancy hurts.
    Birth hurts.
    Breastfeeding hurts
    Watching your baby cry hurts
    Not sleeping well, it hurts.
    Serving everyone and being the last hurts.
    Not having time for yourself – hurts.

    The mother needs help, not to be criticized,
    she needs love and not to be judged,
    she takes care of everyone, but she needs to take care of herself as well.

    Motherhood is not as gentle as it seems, motherhood is beautiful, yes, but it is very difficult.

    What's beautiful is the love that a mother has for her child, that love is capable of enduring everything!!

    God bless all mothers and moms to be🙏
    By; Zyenzo Jere 🫂 🙏 🙏 🙏

  4. Her Father's Heart

    MY Daughter, I have created you. You are mine. I will fulfill MY plan and purpose for your life. The road I have you on will bring you to the destination I have designated for you. You will be amazed at what I have assigned to you. You could never imagine it on your own. I will fulfill the desires and dreams I have placed in your heart. Keep your eyes on ME, and I will keep MY Hand upon you every step of the way. I AM Jehovah Jireh, Your Provider. Wait patiently and expectantly. What I have planned for you will surely come.💞🙏

    The trouble with full trust is that reliance makes you neither to suspect nor to protect yourself. Who knows man is the one that kills him. Place no confidence on any human being because the heart is the seat of deceit and desperately wicked (je. 17:9). No one can know it. There is no art to find the mind's construction in the face.
    Bob Marley said in his song; "Some will hate you, pretend they love you. Behind, they plan to eliminate you"
    You can only escape if GOD is with you.
    Like Judas, only the one that eats with you will betray you.
    Be warned with trusting anybody. Watch and pray!!! By; Eugene Kenslaz 🫂 🙏 🙏 🙏
    * 147


    MY Daughter, I have created you. You are mine. I will fulfill MY plan and purpose for your life. The road I have you on will bring you to the destination I have designated for you. You will be amazed at what I have assigned to you. You could never imagine it on your own. I will fulfill the desires and dreams I have placed in your heart. Keep your eyes on ME, and I will keep MY Hand upon you every step of the way. I AM JEHOVAHJIREH, Your Provider. Wait patiently and expectantly. What I have planned for you will surely come.💞🙏
    By; Darlene Beauregard 🫂 🙏 🙏 🙏


    Hello friends 💜 Something I thought you will love to read.

    Trust the universe, sometimes God removes ppl from our lives for a reason you cant see yet, accept it don’t chase after them if the door is closed leave it shut. It’s your time to heal now. No more holding onto the same situations that hurt us in the past. It’s time to remind yourself that you are actually amazing. Look how far you have come. You are beautiful, powerful it’s time for you.
    By Annick Nouatin 🫂 🙏 🙏 🙏


    Every woman who has walked with GOD has a story to tell!

    SARAH will tell you: Nothing is too hard for GOD

    HAGAR will tell you: GOD sees you

    RAHAB will tell you: Your past doesn't define you, GOD can use anyone

    HANNAH will tell you: GOD answers prayers

    RUTH will tell you: It's not over until GOD says it's over

    ESTHER will tell you: Trust GOD HE will exalt you in HIS timing

    The WOMAN with the issue of blood will tell you: When all has failed, GOD never fails
    by; Kendra Gilmore 🫂 🙏 🙏 🙏


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