First Time Watching Battlestar Galactica 1978 (Patreon Preview) | Episodes 1-3 Saga of a Star World

The Target Audience are watching Battlestar Galactica 1978 for the first time over on Patreon! Join them as they react to Saga of a Star World – episode 1, 2, & 3 of the beloved tv series

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34 thoughts on “First Time Watching Battlestar Galactica 1978 (Patreon Preview) | Episodes 1-3 Saga of a Star World”

  1. Join our Patreon starting at just $2 a month and watch our FULL UNCUT REACTIONS to the first 3 episodes of Battlestar Galactica 1978 – Saga of a Star World! Patreon link in description

  2. This is a block of cheese from start to finish. From the Glen Larson cracker factory. If I recall correctly, first three episodes were actually a movie that was shown in theaters that they were trying to test out the audience. I still don’t know how it made it on the air except the fact that almost all the sci-fi in the 70s was absolute cheese. BSG makes Buck Rogers look like cinematic art.

  3. As a kid, I liked the music and the world-building. The idea of a civilization that had been wiped out by their own A.I. creations, who then proceeded to do a Pearl Harbor on humanity as well.

    Once read someone who called this "Jewish science-fiction". "Jewish" in the sense that the characters are seeking a Promised Land, like the Jews in Exodus. And there are other religious allegories as well, though I won't leave any spoilers here.

    (Some borrowing also from the books of Erich von Däniken in the 70s, who posited that early human civilizations had been influenced by extraterrestrials. "Wooo — the aliens built the pyramids, man…")

  4. I was in my early to mid teens when this aired. There was only a few Sci Fi shows that had early runs that had promise like U.F.O. and Space 1999 as well as the horror suspense Kolchak: The Night Stalker, but the networks yet again axed them over really stupid handling of all three series. They did the same with this series by not committing to year 2 worth a crap and showed new episodes intermittently till they moved it into a desolate time slot. Dont even bother with Galactica 1980. OMG I hated what they did to the show. The network execs ruined several promising shows in favor of comedies. Thats all that was on other than police shows during that time. There were good shows in those two genres but when you got over 20 shows a piece something ought to be good. All I can say thank god it was safe to play outside back then because there were a bunch of crappy shows. If anything this show should be the springboard to Battlestar Galactica (2004). The best Sci Fi show ever made.

  5. As a kid, I was initially drawn to this because Star Wars. But it was so freaking bad, even I checked out after a while. The 2000s reboot was another matter. It was absolutely brilliant for about three seasons. Then it wasn't.

  6. I LOVED Battlestar Galactica as a kid!
    Like Buck Rogers, it STARTED terrific (despite replaying space battle footage for budget reasons) but ended on a pretty weak season that is very miss-able.

  7. Well this is terrible. I can remember watching one episode with a fire aboard the galactica that had an almost identical plot to a similarly aged episode Of a TV show at the time , either Emergency! or CHIPS which had a fire racing over the California Hills. I think the Pilot and the idea was interesting enough and I like Lorne Green but really this wasn't good and the Cylons make the Imperial storm troopers look like sharp shooters. I did like John Colicos as Baltar. Another Canadian Actor.

  8. The lack of passion is due to the 70s lol. Also, the special effects were done by John Dykstra from Star Wars. It was so hilarious that I panicked because I thought that without Dykstra, no more Star Wars could be make … obviously not lol.

  9. A favorite scene I uploaded to YouTube a few years ago¹ to showcase something I feel may often be missed when thinking of the 1978 show:

    The show was originally written to be special movies of the week on TV. And then it was quickly pushed it into series production (which no one was ready for). But the two-parters that they wrote, of which I believe there are three,² are much as they were planned, and are the best the show offers.

    Be well. 🙋🏼‍♂️


    ¹ ─ Then re-uploaded a higher quality version more recently.

    ² ─ If I remember correctly, those three were the opening pilot (which I got to see in it's theatrical release as well). And then there was an episode where they try to take out a Cylon weapon a la The Dirty Dozen style. And of course, the episode with the Pegasus, guest starring Lloyd Bridges.

  10. Interesting point. In the original concept the Cylons were supposed to be a race of humanoid reptilian in armor. However the censors at the time set limits on how may on screen deaths could be shown during prime time, to get around that rule the they passed them of as robots.

  11. I'm a huge fan of the 2004 series, and I know the OG has a lot of fans, but I watched those first three episodes and boy was it a slog for me. I'm actually reading about Book about the history of both shows right now. After the initial pilot movie, ABC ordered a series immediately, so they had to crank out scripts and film them super quick. Like, "here are your script rewrites, oh you already shot that scene" quick.

    I do know the original is a short series, but I kinda hope these guys don't tackle the new one until after they get the majority of Trek done… at least DS9. I think it has more of an impact once you get used to how Trek does things, IMO.

  12. I absolutely LOVED this show when it originally aired….but mostly, I think, because in the 70s we were starved for sci-fi content. Hell, I even enjoyed the hell out of Space: 1999. There was precious little else happening in television's science fiction department in the day. When BSG was rebooted in 2004(?), I had my reservations….but it turned out to be fantastic in every way!

  13. Glad someone is checking out this show. The Galactica that I grew up with. Had models of all the ships. Thought it was real cool that humans were 'out there' looking for us. 😄

  14. Hey guys….for 1970's TV this was pretty good. You had to live…and suffer…during that decade with the crap that was on. There were a few good shows but for the most part…I just stayed in my room and built model planes.

  15. You have to lower expectations for production. It is typical for 70's shows of this type – sci fi, fantasy, comic book But, for its day, it was great, and all we had! If you get into the 70s culture and fashion….looking at the ladies, I think it will be enjoyable for you. Lorne Greene was highly regarded in his role as were the young chaps – Starbuck and Apollo. I was partial to Apollo . I only saw this in reruns.


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