FIRST THINGS FIRST | Nick Wright reacts to Broncos will start Jarrett Stidham over Russell Wilson

FIRST THINGS FIRST | Nick Wright reacts to Broncos will start Jarrett Stidham over Russell Wilson


23 thoughts on “FIRST THINGS FIRST | Nick Wright reacts to Broncos will start Jarrett Stidham over Russell Wilson”

  1. He needs to let them buy out his contract and then go to contender taking the minimum salary and go win another ring. That’s what he needs to do stop listening to these morons. They don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. The kid can still play.

  2. Russell had his chances to show he still had it but he blew it yea the offense didn't help him much. Russ was to eager to do the 2 step and run hell he had receivers open and chose to throw the ball away or he ended up fumbling. Yea the coach may have some blame but he can't coach and play at the same time but yea Russell had his chances

  3. What Broussard said is sharp wisdom. tough to take, but straight up truth. Great to include that quote from Proverbs. I am a Seattle fan and have been observing them intently for years. Brou probably has a very good point. Did Russ start weirdly and slowly thinking it was all about him? I can never be his psychiatrist. But did he also get really greedy? It's easy to talk the talk about "I am only concerned with my teammates and with winning." But like Nick, I also paid attention, I watched games, I listened to comments. What do you all think? Did Russ' talk match his walk? I guess it must be easy when you are insanely gifted as an athlete, always in the limelight, usually winning and surpassing your peers out on the field. I am not familiar with such a life. Perhaps such a person really gets convinced he is more special than others, and that life is always going to be victorious. But it doesn't work out that way does it? And it hasn't worked out that way for Russ. Anyway, I appreciate Brou's insights.

  4. This is all bs due to the contract situation. While I am not a fan of either Wilson or Denver a couple of points need to be made. Wilson's td/ int ratio is 27/ 8 better than 3:1 color it anyway you want that is pretty damn good, along with a qb rating of 98% . The Broncos main problem is that under Payton the defense has slipped from 13th to 30th. With a decent defense this team would be in the playoff hunt. Maybe Payton needs to address his coaching issues….maybe a payout should be in order.

  5. Anyone who says Wilson is good and they start listing off stats, don’t know what they’re talking about. You have to actually watch the games to see what’s happening, stats only tell half the story. Russ is cooked, pun intended.

  6. If a Quarterback cost that much, one would think the Broncos would have hired a coach that could make it work…

    Broncos have a coaching issue more than a quarterback issue, because Wilson is ranked top seven in quarterback rating, while Sean Payton is currently 7-8 on the season…

    People are focused on the money because of envy, Wilson has the résumé to deserve it … Coaching is the reason the Broncos lost the close games, and you can’t blame a quarterback for losing by 70 points in any given game, because he doesn’t play defense…


  7. Don't mock the guy, remember Brady was in the dog house when he left New England. He can come back and lead a team to some success like Brady and now Baker is doing. Don't count him out.

  8. Compare stats of Wilson and Mahomes . . . when the QBs don't have the support team, they all suffer. Rogers, Montana, Namath, Brady, all of them. Nick has been undercutting Wilson for years, and was gloating that this would happen. Colin converted to support his new buddy. Why? Because the media are only interested in chaos and controversy to justify their "expertise". Bottom line is that Wilson did his job, he got the club sold to the Waltons. THAT was his job. They surrounded him with weak talent, and gave him a weak coach so they could go get a star coach. The contract doesn't matter. NFL contracts are paper thin anyway, and they will just rip it up, or try to, and pass him along. This will give the new Coach a change to build his own from the ground up, and he has to, because the toxic sludge, negativity, finger pointing and defeatest attitude of the club is evident, and the fans are even worse. Russ isn't the problem, he is the scape goat and the media are just sharks circling the latest victim of the "NO FUN LEAGUE".


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