First Look Inside SpaceX's Starfactory w/ Elon Musk

Join Elon Musk for a tour inside SpaceX’s Starbase and the brand new Starfactory. This video was shot the day before Flight 4, on June 5th, 2024.

00:00 – Intro
00:28 – Interview Starts
10:12 – Starships in Highbay
21:24 – Manufacturing talk
23:50 – Reusability
27:00 – Ice / Thruster talk
31:30 – Megabay
41:15 – Raptors
49:07 – Inside Starfactory
1:03:03 – Outro

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40 thoughts on “First Look Inside SpaceX's Starfactory w/ Elon Musk”

  1. Amazing, increadeble how much he knows and are into details. wish other CEO´s or even section leaders had that kind of insight. in the company i work in, you can barely talk any specific details outside the core team before people just look wierd at you (even the closest up manager, who on paper should be in control of your detailed functions) . But i guess its about how you build the culture of a company.

  2. One concern in turnover is the heat shields;

    One thing i think could work and be overall reliable would be a multi faceted approach.

    You would have on the outside of the craft circular attachement piece which locks the piece through pressure + twist release with a spring mechanism, that would be the under layer, there would then be aerogel insulator above that porus silicon tile, then in a triangular formation around those would be at a slightly higher ( 2nd layer ) simply the regular re-entry tiles.

    Thus, if for whatever reason there is a tile that breaks off, there is then an initial insulator areogel , which would take a while to break down, then further one more regular tile to break down. The likelyhood of failure at this stage is minimal.

    This would then allow for reuse of rocket as it stands depending on the most outer layer, if it can withstand 2 re-entry great, 3 , great… but even if there is failure, there is 2 more contingencies in place.

    Then its all about removing through the mechanism the most outer tiles, replacing them and you're back in business.

  3. Tesla looks like it's going big. I really want to profit from the market this year. I have about $80k I want to invest in the market. My brain doesn't do very well in understanding these things. How else could I utilise the market opportunity?

  4. Love Elon he gives an Interview with hes kids running around and nannys shasing them. you can see he is at the same moment thinking of the next step and improvements while giving the interview…He is not like any of us others here…Amazing.

  5. What's the feasibility of having a set of 3 vacuum engines arrayed between the outer ring of engines on a somewhat longer (and more fueled-up) Superheavy, and leaving the Heavy attached after orbit? Would this allow for greater living space/storage of equipment on the Starship, along with smaller fuel tanks on it? SpaceX could send tanker Starships up and refuel the attached Superheavy (rather than the Starship,) and send the entire Starship/Superheavy assembly to Mars, detach from the Superheavy in Mars orbit and land the Starship with its untouched tank of fuel for landing and launch back to hook up with the SuperHeavy if needed and return…

  6. Elon with Spacex rockets is like an accelerated Kelly Johnson with the SR-71. Fly it, see what wrinkled, redesign, fly it again only on a much more rapid scale. Absolutely brilliant execution in a super difficult industry.

  7. Gentlemen,

    @ elonmusk, unbelievable what you have achieved in such a short time

    @timtoods, excellent presentation, and thank you for giving an inside of the new Starfactory.

    Great information


  8. Elon is a futurist ! I wish some more ppl would be like him… not just making money but using the money for the future of mankind… having a vison and doing it and bringing it to the people – thats why I like Elon so much! I hope he can build a moon base soon…. I think this is also a great step to mars… just for testing stuff before doing the big journey!
    Keep your visions alive Elon there are enough people who like what you do and GOOD LUCK on what you do – wishing you all the best from Germany!

  9. I only have one question guys, Elon, why should you make bigger and bigger rocketships, doesn't that take more and more power for liftoff? I would think there is a cutoffpoint, where you also need to lift all the fuel that it takes to make the liftoff happen right? I mean, more but smaller ships feels more economic, just enough to get you off this planet, then the rest of the journey with other means… I hope there is an explanation for this…. Thanks for any replies guys! ( I haven't watched the whole vid and didn't see many interviews for a while, so this might be explained somewhere perhaps… ) (-;

  10. This is what it looks when one of the famous figures and greatest minds of our generation is trying to balance and expend time with his big family and kids, while he is building the largest rocket in history, and trying to colonize another planet!



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