Fellow citizens of Super Earth, unite under our grand banner of liberty! Now is the moment to come together to protect our beloved home from the grave threats that loom: the fearsome Terminids and the unyielding Automatons. Our cherished democracy, the core of our existence, is at risk. Yet, with our collective spirit and unmatched power, we shall prevail!
This battle is more than a struggle for survival; it is a fight for the soul of our civilization. Let the stars witness the strength of Super Earth as we advance towards victory. We will not waver, we will not relent until the Terminids are vanquished and the Automatons are in ruins.
Rally together, citizens! For democracy, for freedom, for Super Earth! History will record our bravery, valor, and ultimate victory. Forward, Helldivers, to everlasting glory!
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48 thoughts on “First Deployment To MALEVELON CREEK -HELLDIVERS 2”

  1. I love the toxic players you can come across in this game. Had one early on complain about me picking up samples he dropped on death. I guess he didn't realize it counts towards the entire team not individual. Just got done with a game where a player named Naruto ****poodamn complained about team killing when he kept dying to my sentries. Maybe one day he will learn not to stand in front of a sentry

  2. My brothers I need your flat footed energy for a democratic mission. A helldiver difficult mission where bile titans will range in the double digits. And every bug is attempting to spread your booty meat and spread peanut butter all between them. For we fight against the bug, the machine and the heretic to preserve our Scooby snacks from vile creatures from the void of space.

  3. Intro: "they shall be my Helldivers, and they shall know no fear"
    Vid starts: "we're all gonna die"
    I swear Gwonk got killed more than all y'all combined, no wonder he has 50 brothers lol
    Fighting the robots is like every Terminator movie mixed with Necrons, love it
    Keep up your crazy antics Crab Bruddah!

  4. Video is a lot better without the shitty AI voice opening, would've been more charming if you read the scrip yourself, even with a "bad" mic or whatever. Just let your solid editing and humor carry your vids man, you got the chops for it that's for sure. Good luck on your future liberations. 🙂


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